Kimmel Mocks Melania’s Accent – IOTW Report

Kimmel Mocks Melania’s Accent

Is the first lady fair game for mockery and ridicule? I believe we demonstrated that here often enough with the previous resident of the White House. The first lady, for better or worse supports her husband’s agenda, campaigns with him and advocates for her own issues. That makes her and her activities a target for critical review.

Should a certified justice warrior be making fun of the accent of anyone from another nation? That would be the height of hypocrisy, when you’re suppose to be all about no borders and welcoming to all foreigners to come enjoy our freedoms with us. But late night host Jimmy Kimmel went there Monday night. Apparently unable to find fault with the causes the first lady supports or with how the elegant former super model represents her office, he went after Melania Trump’s  Slovenian accented English. More 

33 Comments on Kimmel Mocks Melania’s Accent

  1. Jimmy Kimmel is a C list comedian who is proof that luck often wins out over talent.
    Melania could teach him a lot about class and dignity, two traits I’m afraid he got short changed while swimming in his gene pool.

  2. when Milania say, “For the first time in my life I’m proud of America”,
    when Milania tells our children what to eat at school & enforces policy to do so,
    when Milania insists the White House kitchen serve her lobster all hours of the evening,
    when Milania jet-sets all over the world, & brings her mother along, on tax-payer funded vacations,
    when Milania insists the White House staff tend ‘her’ garden,
    when Milania starts acting all ‘ghetto’,

    … then I say she’s fair game ….
    but to go after a foreign woman that speaks 5 languages because she has an ‘accent’ is about as stupid & low as you can go …. especially when you set yourself up to be the ‘paragon of virtue’, which you are very far from & speak only one language, which you seeming have to read out loud every weeknight

  3. Kimmel can kiss my ass. I grew up hearing accents and for a while, I had one.

    Anyway, I say anyone who learned to speak or is learning to speak English and is respectful of this country’s laws can have whatever accent they like.

  4. If Big Mike had an accent, Komrade Kimmel would be lecturing on how wonderful and smart Barry was to marry such a cultured, sophisticated woman. Kimmel would also barate, shame and ostracize anyone who made fun of Big Mike’s accent.

  5. Kimmel could go to Slovenia and try to get along without an interpreter. Melania speaks 5 languages. How many do you speak Kimmel?
    Next time he has someone from another country or area of this country on, I dare him to make fun of their accents.
    What a tool.

  6. JK are sol. The first Lady has forgotten more than he can ever hope to know.
    His “show” is made by are sole for other are soles.
    If he had talent, he would be more secure.

  7. Kimmie, a lost night shrew.
    There I fixed it for ya.
    Hey Jimbo, remember Kathy Griffin’s decapitation photo. It did wonders for her career. Let’s hope attacking the first lady does the same for you. Asshole.

  8. I don’t imagine any woman worth a crap would have hooked up with Kimmel, so one should not be surprised that his mind wallows in the gutter, and he doesn’t understand grace and accomplishment in a female.
    No mercy for Kimmel and his. Gloves are off until he is gone.

  9. First the First Lady is beautiful speak 5 language so what if she has a accent. I have a accent to and speak 3 language. .
    Were was him when mooch was speaking Ebonics fuc that asshole.

  10. Kimmel is a High School graduate and not much else. Besides, I think his eyes are phucked up, like Joe Scarborough’s. But that does not make him stupid. What makes him stupid is that in a Nation of Immigrants he insults one of the most beautiful First Lady’s we have ever had, who speaks five different languages. You tell me, is this asshole deserving of any respect? Imagine this retard, Kimmel, having a conversation on foreign affairs with Henry Kissenger? I’m a firm believer in free speech and not one to call for boycotts, but if a 17 year old punk can damage Laura Ingraham’s show, then Jimmy Kimmel’s audult audience should take a hike. But they are a brainless bunch, like Kimmel himself. I come from Ireland and have for years pronounced words different than the Cockney Brit or the Harvaaard Grad. And, having been in the Army. had difficulty understanding English speaking Americans from North and South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Missouri etc. Even Brooklyn, are you shitting me? What toime is it? And Boston, Pork the Cor in the gorage. Kimmel is a phucking asshole!

  11. One of kimmels early gigs was “the man show” which didn’t exactly have a feminist outlook ( women were portrayed as bouncing tits and beer printers whose role was to keep quiet and look good) while simultaneously reinforcing every negative male stereotype for laughs. Yep, Kimmel has lots of room to criticize anyone..


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