Kindergarten teacher loses his job after getting his eyeballs tattooed black – IOTW Report

Kindergarten teacher loses his job after getting his eyeballs tattooed black

Not The Bee:


Metro reports:

Sylvain Helaine, 35, whose body, face and tongue are covered in tattoos and who has had the whites of his eyes surgically turned black was asked to switch age groups when a parent complained he gave their three-year-old nightmares.

His body, face, and tongue are covered in tattoos. more

35 Comments on Kindergarten teacher loses his job after getting his eyeballs tattooed black

  1. …tattoos ain’t cheap. Evidently being a kiddygarten teacher pays WAY too much for the glorified babysitting it entails…

    …oh, also, the guy’s a psycho who has no business around children. Fire him.

  2. That satanic deviant thing would give ME nightmares, let alone little children. 🤮

    I read another account of this story that claimed he no longer teaches the kindergartners but is still teaching older kids. Can’t recall which source.

  3. I don’t have tats. I can understand people getting tats that are meaningful to them, that remind them of an idea or a person. Anything that changes your appearance suggests that you aren’t happy, and don’t think you have a way of resolving that unhappiness. Rather than create permanent damage to your appearance maybe see a counselor.

  4. What kind of mental state does someone have to have th do that sort of thing to themselves?

    And should anyone with that mental state be considered safe to be around children, or even adults for that matter?

  5. WTF???? That’s a kindergarten teacher?!?!?! STUPID F***! STUPID FRENCH F***! This is just another reason that parents who love & care about their children do not send them to a school without carefully screening it.

  6. @Supernightshade, glorified babysitting? You can loathe teachers’ unions or indoctrination without swimming in ignorance of what teachers have to do on a daily basis, often within hostile environments. Let me know next time you civilize 30 rambunctious short people of varying abilities, social skills, personalities and wherewithal (not to mention sets of parents) and teach every one of them how to put on snowsuits in five minutes or less and read with comprehension by the end of the year.

    In the meantime, you might want to consider that if your simplistic assessment is all people are given to choose, between that and nothing, it’s no wonder they more and more end up with clowns like this tattooed fool, who encourages the model that extremism (which most teachers don’t embrace) is the only way to impart a lesson. Your way and his are just different examples of the same imposition.

  7. @Chuckie, exactly, it’s a distraction. It also forces only one way of learning onto kids, the opposite of what teachers are taught (re different ways to learn).

    I agree with lots of other comments above too – radical appearance change and self esteem, and the nightmares thing. I can’t stand to look at his eyes in particular. Very creepy.

  8. When I was a kid, long ago, in a land fading out, the girl down the street had one blue eye and one brown eye. Never understood why folks aren’t happy with their skin color. My brother, was a marine, had a tat that he later found out he was allergic to some of the inks.

  9. I love when younger punks make fun of pictures of my generation back when we were young. They laugh at the clothes, the hair, the styles. I love telling them that we were able to change our clothes and our hair, but they are going to look like tattooed circus freaks for the rest of their lives.

  10. I’m an aged adult and that freak scares me! WTH! I wonder who hired him in the first place. AFAIAC he’s unemployable….maybe good for a garbage picker – separating waste from garbage. Even then, he might not be able to tell the difference.

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