King of the Sticks – IOTW Report

King of the Sticks

Who doesn’t love little doggies who think they are big, bad brutes?!

11 Comments on King of the Sticks

  1. Miss my Golden. I recall the time at a flea market when l looked down at him, he had silently stolen a large stuffed animal toy from one of the vendors and we had to back track to bring it back.

  2. They all do this at some point and it is just as cute no matter the size of the dog. My german shepard mix was about 80lbs and she did the same thing when I was cutting down some small trees. The only difference between them is as soon as I was done cutting a branch she would drop the one she dragged away and then run for the freshly cut branch and start shaking/dragging that one away.That was when she was younger though…. now she is 15 and survived cancer, then having her front arm cut off, then went blind from type 1 diabetes and is down to 40lbs now and looking kinda skeletal but it has not stopped her from being the doggie she always was. Two shots of insulin daily keeps her spry and with the help of a 3-leg harness she is still pretty mobile.

    love my dog.

  3. thanks MJA and Lazlo…

    my wife and I went into debt big time to keep her alive and if it was not for carecredit-creditcard that only covers your pet medical bills we would have had to put her down.

    1st operation to remove tumor on arm $4000
    3 months later 2nd operation to remove entire front arm $7000
    then it was appointments back to back for two months with hospital stays to realign her glucose-curve to normal levels and when that was all said and done another $4000 bill with $500 a month in medications and insulin.

    After this experience I tell everyone who has a doggie that they love like a family member to GET DOG HEALTH INSURANCE once your doggie reaches 10 years old because vets charge as much and sometimes MORE than it costs for humans. The medications for dogs is also a hidden cost that will break you over the long run if you can afford them.


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