Kirsten Gillibrand Receives Much Deserved Recognition – IOTW Report

Kirsten Gillibrand Receives Much Deserved Recognition

Dianny at Patriot Retort

Of the truckload of Democrats running in 2020, Kirsten Gillibrand is far and away the worst candidate among them.

But at last night’s debate, Kirsten graduated from the worst candidate in the Democrat field to the worst candidate in the history of elections.

She makes the guy from the “Rent is Too Damn High” party look like a serious contender.

Comedian Pat Paulsen ran for President six times from 1968 to 1996, and he was a far more serious candidate than the accidental comedienne Kirsten Gillibrand. More

12 Comments on Kirsten Gillibrand Receives Much Deserved Recognition

  1. Travelin’ along, there’s a song that we’re singin’
    Come on, get happy
    A whole lotta lovin’ is what we’ll be bringin’
    We’ll make you happy
    We’ll make you happy
    We’ll make you happy

  2. Hey let’s dig up Pat Paulson & prop him up on the stage against that Clown Train. He’d still make more sense than the rest of them combined. Besides we’d be guaranteed that the “Dead Votes” will all go to him.

  3. I wonder how many banks will have to be bailed out after the elections because of the Billions the “Progs” are borrowing from them, then all those “Prog” campaigns file for bankruptcy.

  4. When heard the Clorox bit I thought, “What did they do to clean up after Slick Willie Clinton and even worse Hillary as Sec. of State.”

    Hilldog didn’t even have full bowel control back then.

  5. “Kirsten’s simpering little girl voice..” – So then, K. Gillibrand has also decided to adopt and use the Christine Blasey Ford persona & strategy. Yeah, that’s the ticket, it was a winning combo before. Wasn’t it?

  6. Told Gillibrand that if anything needed Cloroxing it would be her orifice. She doesn’t need to worry about Clorxing the Oval Office. After Obama left, President Trump had the whole place fumigated, decontaminated, deliced, steam cleaned, treated for both human and canine waste, and sterilized. Everything possible has been replaced, including the hammer and sickle flags, pictures of Mao, Marx, Maduro, Ho CHi Mihn, and Michael Moore. Obamas are no longer allowed in there.

  7. The fact that they believe themselves to be viable candidates for POTUS illustrates how truly delusional they are.
    Watch for Hitlery to declare them all deplorable and take another stab at it.

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