Knee Jerk – IOTW Report

Knee Jerk

‘It’s the least I can do’: Now U.S. soccer star and World Cup winner Megan Rapinoe takes a knee during national anthem in support of 49ers’ Colin Kaepernick.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe knelt during the national anthem (pictured main) Sunday night before the Seattle Reign’s 2-2 tie with the Chicago Red Stars in the National Women’s Soccer League. Rapinoe, 31, said it was an intentional move designed to show her support for San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s (pictured right and inset) ongoing protest against racial injustice in the U.S. ‘It’s the least I can do. Keep the conversation going,’ Rapinoe tweeted, after earlier saying it was ‘a nod to Kaepernick’. Rapinoe became the first player from a different sport to follow Kaepernick’s lead, after fellow NFL players Eric Reid and Jeremy Lane both refused to stand last week. Rapinoe (also pictured left) has played 115 games for the U.S. Women’s National Team, and was a crucial part of the side’s gold medal win at the 2012 London Olympic Games. She was also a member of the 2016 Rio Olympics team, and the 2015 World Cup winning squad.

26 Comments on Knee Jerk

  1. Hey, that’s fine. If she doesn’t believe in honoring the flag of her country, she doesn’t need to play on teams that represent the United States.

    I’m really sick of this virtue-signaling, hashtag moralism that accomplishes nothing other than exposing its promoters as the total douches they are.

  2. About as relevant as the “Bring Back Our Girls” crap that accomplished absolutely nothing.

    Not a sports fan so I don’t care what any of them say, especially Dikes on Spikes, but unfortunately, many do.

  3. Hey, we’re talking about the same kids who followed social media down a rat hole over “Stop Kony.” Morons.

    “Since the video’s release, Invisible Children has come under criticism for oversimplification of events in the region[58] and has been accused of engaging in “slacktivism”, in which one donates or takes actions that have little to no effect beyond making one feel like one contributed.[59] While the campaign promotes global activism, it has been criticized for providing a black-and-white picture rather than encouraging the viewers to learn about the situation. Mikaela Luttrell-Rowland from Clark University’s Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies stated that it was “irresponsible to prize feel good, simplistic messages over complex history and to treat consumerist-consciousness raising as interchangeable with education.”[60]” ~WikiP.

  4. As Bugo, the headhunter said to his wife Burba after reading the jungle news about her taking a knee: we have to leave Borneo and migrate to America because they have real important soccer stars living there!

  5. I know these people like BLM and these athletes think they are sending a message about the oppression of black people. The message I am receiving is ” hey look at me, I’m a totally clueless tool who is told what to think by Massa Soros”.

  6. Wonder What would happen if these people would start refusing to pay their taxes as a way to cut off the government that allegedly oppresses people of color? Oh, yeah, the IRS would oppress their ass so fast their head would spin. But, hey, protesters in modern America never really risk anything do they?

  7. Mega kudos to the first defensive lineman that sacks Kaepernick, then stands at attention over Kaepernick’s dazed body with his hand over his heart and sings The Star-Spangled Banner.

  8. Society would be better off, way better off, to outgrow this childlike fascination with adults playing children’s games. “Athletes” aren’t heros, or “role models” they are professional children and usually act like it.

  9. Oy.
    Sports figures’ opinions are like the songs of birds as I walk through the forest.
    On some level I am aware that they are giving me their full throat-ed rage and defiance of my oppression and trespass in their tiny cries.
    But mostly I enjoy their chirpings and natterings as a backdrop to serious thought.

  10. Anytime this happens the team the asshole belongs to should forfeit the game. No exceptions. Any sport, anytime, anywhere. Automatic loss and suspension from the league for a year. From Little league up to the Olympics. This one place where Zero Tolerance should be enacted and enforced. No mercy. Mandatory.

  11. I am a football viewer with an addiction problem, but this is about the last friggin straw. One thing I’ve liked about football is that it was one of the few remaining pursuits that was not shoving a communist progressive agenda in my face every 3 seconds. Now this. The 9ers didn’t just can this spoiled brat azzhole? They will regret that, and so will the league. WRT to the soccer player, let me guess, another sexually confused bull dyke rug muncher whose mouth is bigger than its brain. Like I would care 3 schitz about what she said thought or did about anything. Yet, it get shoved in my face and there is obama backing it all up.

  12. Somewhere there is a wide angle of this shot.
    Haven’t the desire to find it. The shot shows there are apparently more people on the field than in the stands.
    Title IX is a joke, it’s like kissing your grandmother, if it turns you on, you’re sick.

  13. “Monkey see;
    Monkey do.”

    Wow! What a courageous, intrepid, and ORIGINAL idea!
    Makes me proud of the fact that I’ve NEVER watched women’s soccer!
    (and NEVER will)

    Next game, she should do the “black power” fist thing …

    izlamo delenda est …

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