#Knifefree – IOTW Report


Using his rapier like wit, Conservative commentator Mark Steyn slices up the Metropolitan Police of London for their recent anti-knife campaign aimed at the young.  The Twitter campaign uses young models who proclaim that they are proudly “Knifefree” in an attempt to encourage other youths not to go around stabbing other people. Watch

11 Comments on #Knifefree

  1. Maybe if the streets of London were a lot safer place, nobody would have need to carry a knife. As a random thought, I wonder how many Muzzies carry knives? There is no doubt about it London needs a new mare/mayor.

  2. Somebody please explain to me why we as a nation saved GB twice?
    I’ve seen videos of people that went through the Battle of Britain, and they regretted their participation because of the current state of GB.
    I truly believe that the Brits would have been better off with the German overlords vs. the muslime invasion.

  3. So the mostly anglo Bobbies of London are disarming the anglo population on the orders of their muslim mayor. Looks like the muzzies have won the fight without having to really fight. At this point it is almost impossible to get up a good round of knifey/ spooney over there

  4. Churchill delivered the British people through the darkest days of WWII. The first thing they did in the way of thanks was to oust him from office. Those people are as self destructive as ever. Please don’t look to us again unless you can find your spine and it’s very close to being too late for that.

  5. Lest we forget:
    Britons prevailed against the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Normans, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Napoleon’s French. The Scots and the Irish gave considerable trouble, and they failed against their colonies in America.
    In a somewhat ironical twist of fate, assistance from these Americans was instrumental in defeating the Germans on two separate occasions.
    I fear, however, that Britain will lose against the muzzie invasion. She can expect little assistance this round.
    We Americans will be fighting a similar invasion soon enough.

    Britain ain’t what it once was.
    And America is crumbling before our eyes.

  6. Excellent video, I love Mark Steyn, he has more common sense and is funny as hell than almost any other commentator out there. God forbid this would happen here in America. I carried a knife with a 6 in. blade in HS back in the late 60’s and early 70’s and most of us carried pocket knifes as well and none of us got into trouble or stabbed anybody else with them. And we played mumbly peg on the playground at the Elementary school in Ephrata, Wa. back in the early 60’s., it was no big deal. They can try to ban knifes, guns, rocks, (the actor Charles Durning killed a Nazi with a rock on D Day in 1944) any other kind of weapon including hands since you can strangle someone with your hands etc. but they’ll never be able to ban evil and stupidity. I wish Bizarro World was only confined to old Superman comic books but we’re rapidly approaching it if we’re not already there.


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