Knifing a Farmer’s Tire—- lol – IOTW Report

Knifing a Farmer’s Tire—- lol

22 Comments on Knifing a Farmer’s Tire—- lol

  1. I don’t even know where to start. I’m reasonably sure he buys his veggies and a super market. His miserable life wasn’t worth that tire.
    When I was young and cute I had some enemy clown try and shove a knife through a rear tire on my hot rod at 0 dark thirty. The family mutt woke me up. I snuck up behind him and bounced his head off the fender a couple times. Out cold. Took his knife and left him there. I slept well, in the morning he was gone.

  2. Reparations should be made by her/it becoming fertilizer in that farmer’s field.

  3. @President Elect Toxic Deplorable etc…
    Why would you want the farmer to poison his field?

    @Dave Huff I too have grown tired of Doc John and his blather…. maybe someone could ban them?

  4. Remember when you could post signs saying “ALL TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT ON SIGHT” and then you could shoot all trespassers on sight? And it was a perfect defense when they asked you “why did you shoot someone on your property” to simply say “he was on my property”?

    We should do THAT again. Solve a WHOLE lot of problems.

  5. Most farms have lots of equipment for coralling, controlling, restraining, and gelding animals pretty immediately available.

    Most farms also have equipment that can dig deep holes quickly, and fill them quickly too, and lots of cultivated fields where you would never notice if earth was freshly turned or not.

    And also hogs will eat pretty much anything you kill and throw to them.

    And lots of animal blood around to make Luminal investgations problematic.

    And the cell phone reception is piss poor in the outback as well.

    Be a shame if someone put all those things together.

  6. I was hoping his hands would slip off the hilt and onto the blade on the last stroke, slicing the hell out of his fingers and maybe permanently damaging them so he could never masturbate to Greta videos ever again.

    …oh well, perhaps next time…

  7. If I was a judge, I would make that (Female?) work the Farm for 1 full growing season or criminal record, probation & financial restitution.

    They would change their tune VERY QUICKLY.

    More people NEED Hard Labour to UNDERSTAND what the Modern world has accomplished.
    The Washing Machine, Refrigerator & Automobile (Internal Comb. Engine) did more to Liberate Women’s & Men’s TIME than any other tech.

  8. Those tires are often filled with water to lower the center of gravity of the tractor to minimize tip-overs and improve traction. I wonder how that would have affected the explosion.

  9. “I wonder how that would have affected the explosion.”

    You would be disappointed if you expected something more than what compressed air does.

    Water does not compress anywhere near as much as air does. When I worked in a machine shop, we tested our contraptions that held compressed air with water. the sudden release in a tire with water at even a few hundred pounds of pressure, is nothing to fear.

  10. They can be filled with calcium chloride so they don’t freeze. It has to be pumped out even in summer. I wish the See You Next Tuesday had lost an eye.

    I used to work for my dad in the tire businesses In Montana. Mostly implement tires.


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