Knock Knock…. Orange – IOTW Report

Knock Knock…. Orange

19 Comments on Knock Knock…. Orange

  1. Dementia Joe’s handlers should have avoided any bold decisions or extraordinary announcements that required a Presidential* appearance on national television, even one on the American Biased Network. He’s taking down the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media along with Afghanistan, the State Department, the CIA, and the Defense Department. His handlers must be dreading the blowback coming their way from all the attention his disastrous performances have generated. They can bronze his face and diaper his arse, but they can’t completely muzzle his mouth and hide his dementia at times like this.

  2. Okay, I’ll bite.

    Knock knock
    Who’s there?
    Orange who?
    Orange you glad I stole the election from Orange Man?…
    …wait, what? That’s me….uhhhh, well anyway, no more questions. I need a nap.

  3. You folks have seen Libtard feminists smear their own box blood on their faces. This actual web site has linked to it a few times.

    That’s Menstrual blood on Joe Turnip’s face.

  4. …further proof that the color of the skin tells you NOTHING about the content of the character, a little more than bad bronzer is needed to turn an unelected peodphile into a President like the one that REALLY won the election…

  5. Dementia Joe is not looking as good as his Build the Taliban Back Better Program is working out in Afghanistan. It’s a stunning success! He’s everything the Taliban wanted in an American President*, and it’s only been 211 days since Obiden Bama was Installed.


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