Know Your White Supremacists – IOTW Report

Know Your White Supremacists

Also, keep in mind–

24 Comments on Know Your White Supremacists

  1. A few others;

    Thinks shoplifting is wrong regardless of who does it.

    Believes racial discrimination in college admissions is still racial discrimination.

    Understands the dangers of DEI so is naturally suspect of any black Harvard graduate, black airline pilot or any recently credentialed black doctor.

    Pines for a truly meritocratic society and because of this views Democrats and all they stand for as an existential threat to our country.

  2. Admits that it is no less, and more likely than not, an immoral act to vote for politicians to do your stealing for you than to rob others at gun point. The former always and without fail compounds the injury by justifying their behavior and/or selling it ad compassion, the latter is not always unwilling to admit that they know what they are doing is immoral. FWIW, that is EXACTLY why the former invests so much energy in inculcating a sense of entitlement among the latter.

  3. Are able to resist the current thing and use your education and past experience before immediately jumping on board, no questions asked, so as to be in lock step with the latest narrative regarding who is and who is not in with the in crowd.

  4. Loathes any hive mentality – National Socialism, Inter-National Socialism, Communism, Demonrat Socialism, Social Demonrat-ism, Fascism, Racism, izlam-ism, me-too-ism, sloganism, Madison Ave.-ism, greedy grasping maggotism, &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. To sum it up. At the end of the day, when you cut through all of the bullshit, it all leads straight back to anyone who does not look at racial groups as targets to be exploited and judges them by their actions and as individuals by the “content of their character” and bnot by the color of their skin is a racist. This makes it inconvenient for those who would exploit them to advance their own agenda to engage in the soft bigotry of low expectations that all but summarizes the arrows in the progressive quiver. To be one with the values ok MLK and the words of Michael Gerson is to make you a threat to the progressive/Marxist/Satanist agenda and that is what this demonization is all about.

  6. To concede good intentions to progressives/Marxists/Satanists is never warranted and ALWAYS a trap. Don’t do it. They lack any capacity for sincerity and empathy/sympathy expressed by them is false and it is only a weapon they use to get their own way.

    Satan is a liar a murder and a thief. His acolytes must be understood in light of the one they aspire to please. Never, ever concede good intentions to any of them, always consider that they are motivated by a desire to please their Dark Prince and malicious intent is what motivates their every word and action.

  7. “To be one with the values ok MLK”

    Except that MLK did not support any of those values attributed to him, he was NOT colorblind but unapologetically color-conscious.

    He believed that the nation owed a debt to all black folks for all the slave labor they profited from and was a huge “reparations” advocate. His sermons were peppered with a requirement of “just payments” that had to be offered before any reconciliations could progress.

  8. Losers, cheaters, and other lazy miscreants are looking for a shortcut to power and money. They’ll do anything, including locking us up or killing us. You’ve been warned enough, haven’t you?

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