Knowingly exposing others to HIV should no longer be a felony, state Senator says – IOTW Report

Knowingly exposing others to HIV should no longer be a felony, state Senator says


The state Senate on Wednesday voted to no longer make it a felony for someone infected with HIV to knowingly expose others to the disease by having unprotected sex without telling his or her partner about the infection.

The crime would be downgraded to a misdemeanor, and the bill would also apply to people who donate blood or semen without telling the blood or semen bank that they have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, or have tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the precursor to AIDS.

The measure, which next goes to the Assembly for consideration, was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who said it is unfair to make HIV/AIDS the only communicable disease given such harsh treatment by prosecutors.

“These laws are irrational and discriminatory,” Wiener told the Senate, adding that the current felony status is “creating an incentive not to be tested, because if you don’t know your status you can’t be guilty of a felony.”


Think about this fruit’s logic.


“What I don’t know can’t hurt me. And it’s all about me. Hey, if I get tested and find out I have HIV, I can’t bang people without telling them, otherwise it will be a felony.  Other than the felony part… ‘spread them cheeks, Seth, I might have some HIV for ya.”

36 Comments on Knowingly exposing others to HIV should no longer be a felony, state Senator says

  1. Should be a automatic death sentence.
    We live in a sick society.
    I hear tell there are people who go
    around and give HIV/AIDS just for “fun”.

  2. Easy fix. Instead of the requirement of knowing you have AIDs–lower the bar to engaging in risky sexual behaviors a.k.a anal sex without a condom is sufficient knowledge.

  3. Pleeze…pleeze…this is California. This is what passes for clear thinking in California.

    I understand there’s another law pending that requires proof of gay sex as a high school graduation requirement.

  4. Since having AIDS is a “Badge of Honor” (Dick Sargent, if memory serves) it should be celebrated and spread with wild abandon.

    I cannot understand why doctors are trying to cure a “Badge of Honor.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Okay, skimmed it. He hints he’s got health issues but ends with this…

    “Make no mistake, we face very real challenges ahead, but we are resilient and we get stronger with every setback. We will win in the end, whatever the challenge. (Take note, NRA — we’re coming for you.)”


  6. Oh it’s okay to infect someone in Kalipornia. Because if you’re not already infected, you don’t belong there.

    Smoke a Marlboro while watering your lawn? JAIL TIME.

  7. Do condom Manufacturers recomend their products for (CDC words) bottoming and topping I searched and did not find that recommendation and Seri. Won’t touch the question. Not that chamber.

  8. Ok then. If you test aids or HIV positive, you should be required to disclose the names of everyone you had sexual contact with, as you do Syphilis or Gonorrhea, (or isn’t that required, anymore?). That way unsuspecting VICTIMS of your selfishness, can be warned AFTER the fact.

    Having sex when you know you are a. Artist of a STD, should be a felony, especially HIV and AIDS. You are a terroristic time bomb.

    You are sentencing your partner to a death sentence, if not a lifetime sentence of medical expenses, slowly deteriorating health and opening the door to other disease attacks, through an AIDS or HIV induced compromised immune system.

    The AIDS or HIV infected are as lethal a weapon as any gun, but devilishly more deceptive.

  9. @Brooke:
    “So murdering him right back would also be a misdemeanor?”

    Next will come the “I didn’t check to see if the gun was loaded”, so I didn’t know it might kill him defense.

  10. On second thought, why not give a participation trophy to every person with Ebola who successfully donates blood.

    Surely Ebola victims feel bullied when turned away from the blood bank.

  11. This will likely get some ‘background’ support, given the passage of their universal health insurance. This bill would exempt declaration for the blood supply. Who in their right mind would want to have an infusion of blood produscts in that state? That leads to less payout for the insurance companies. They’ll kick in support, but unseen.
    If you have the flu, you’re supposed to stay home.

  12. A person who doesn’t disclose having an STD should be guilty of rape at the very least. Besides a “bug chaser”, who would knowingly consent to having sex with someone with AIDS? The same state that pushes “affirmative consent” rules on college campuses that require men to ask permission at every stage of sexual foreplay thinks it’s okay for people with a deadly communicable disease to withhold that information from sex partners. College men are required to ask, “Can I touch your boobies?”, but an AIDS infected pervert doesn’t have to ask, “Can I put some HIV up your butt?”.

  13. Contaminating the blood supply is the real goal/danger here.
    Blood is sold and transported across state lines.
    Interesting, lucrative industry.
    A hospital patient in Florida may be receiving blood from Alabama, Texas, Oregon, anywhere.
    Testing and retesting donated blood for HIV contamination is prohibitively cost- and time- prohibitive.
    Infected individuals can lower their blood count to levels so low they are problematic to detect. But still 100% contagious once introduced into the next victim.

  14. MM: all of the above YMMV. YOYO.

    But a reckless “bi” male with HIV/AIDS, who would be so low as to hide it, is a danger to women who might not be too careful when a in a bit of a heated encounter. These women should be careful in today’s world! But at any given moment in an otherwise good new relationship…

    I agree with some others here, capital offense.

  15. The depth of depravity of homosexuals to satisfy their carnal urges at the expense of everyone else shows a profound selfishness. We really should have quarantined them from the start and the disease would be a non-issue now.

    Attitudes like the representative is why I do not care as much as I should for their plight. God can forgive them if they repent, but that does not mean they will not suffer the natural and biological consequences of their sin here on earth.

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