Knucklehead Of The Week: Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Goes On A Stupidity Spree – IOTW Report

Knucklehead Of The Week: Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Goes On A Stupidity Spree

BlueStateConservative: PF Whalen.

Frequently, the week’s top knucklehead earns this dreaded honor for a singular, overwhelmingly idiotic action or statement which is supported by other, underlying knuckleheadedness. Occasionally, however, we come across a candidate who inexplicably decides to engage in rapid fire ridiculousness by repeatedly saying or doing one stupid thing after another. Such was the case this week with the incomparable Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Winner: Liz ‘Pocahontas’ Warren repeatedly exposes herself as a bonehead.

There are undoubtedly some smug, leftist elites who will dismiss the idea that Pocahontas can be a knucklehead. They’ll lecture, “She’s an academic, she’s intelligent,” and then they’ll point to her Ivy League “background.” For starters, Liz Warren never graduated from an Ivy League school. She graduated from the University of Houston and Rutgers Law School. Both are fine schools, but that education doesn’t exactly make her Albert Einstein. Additionally, those Ivy League credentials she likes to throw around are only due to her various professorships, each of which she was hired to under false pretenses having falsely claimed she’s Native American, a claim she now admits is false. It’s fair to ask, therefore, would Reservation Liz have even been hired by Harvard or Penn if her resume had shown her to be just another white person? MORE

12 Comments on Knucklehead Of The Week: Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Goes On A Stupidity Spree

  1. She’s not very smart or she wouldn’t have felt the need to lie about her heritage to get her education. She’s not very honest or she wouldn’t have lied. She’s not very likeable or more people would like her.

  2. Normal people would feel shame from associated with a liar who claims to be an Indian that was subsequently proven to be false.

    If she’d claimed to have been a dinosaur, liberals would have accepted it. “Well, she says she’s a dinosaur and that’s, you know, OK. You are what you think you are and nobody can say otherwise. Defining yourself anyway you want is in the US Constitution.”

    Of course, Liberals have no shame.

  3. If she’s truly an Indian, she’d be a member of the Blackheart tribe.

    She offered her high cheek bones as proof of an Indian background. She could have had a Viking or east European ancestor, who may have been impregnated by a Mongol.

    One would think, with a law degree, she would have some understanding of weak vs strong evidence.


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