Kobach: The Coronavirus Outbreak Presents a Compelling Argument for the Wall – IOTW Report

Kobach: The Coronavirus Outbreak Presents a Compelling Argument for the Wall


The coronavirus outbreak continues to grow. On Wednesday, 201 U.S. citizens who were evacuated from Wuhan, China, arrived in the United States and were transported to the March Air Reserve Base in California, where they are being informally quarantined and monitored for a three-day period.

But there’s a crucial group of people who are not being quarantined and monitored—the thousands of Chinese nationals sneaking into the United States from Mexico.

In December, eleven Chinese migrants were caught illegally crossing the border in a rental truck carrying furniture from Tijuana to San Diego. A month earlier, six Chinese migrants had been caught sneaking into the country at the same port of entry using a moving truck. These cases were not isolated instances. They are part of a problem that has been growing for the past two years.

And it’s not a problem that’s limited to the border regions of California. Illegal entries by Chinese nationals are on the rise all across the Mexican border.  read more

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