Koskinsen To Plea For His Job Today – IOTW Report

Koskinsen To Plea For His Job Today

IRS Chief John Koskinsen is to testify before the House Judiciary Committee today and explain why Congress should not impeach him.  He’s expected to tell members of Congress that forcing him out would be “improper,” “create disincentives for good people to serve,” and “slow the pace of reform.”



23 Comments on Koskinsen To Plea For His Job Today

  1. He’ll take an early retirement. Isn’t that what Lois did? Asshole should lose all benefits. Actually, this should be a standard penalty for all government employees who think that that the citizens work for them.

  2. I don’t anticipate a positive action from Ryan and the RINOs.
    They’ve rolled over with Boehner and now with Ryan, after 7 3/4 years, at this point what difference does it make. DOJ never indicted Lois Lerner, obstructed Justice with Hillary criminal activity and Congress hasn’t done squat. Obama gives $Billions to Iran and Congress does squat.
    There are areas area congress excels….bending over and squatting.

  3. Mad dog Gowdy will really rip him a new one. Boy, he will give him a tongue lashing. One good sound bite after another. Then when the cameras are turned off nothing will happen. What a load of crap!

  4. IMPEDING PROGRESSIVISM is what we want, you dipshit! Your dirty hands are all over it, you are guilty of treason, and so is every mofo Congress Critter who sit on their fat asses and do NOTHING! We need to have a USMC firing squad and get started with the treason sentencing. White Hut on down, DOJ, FBI, IRS, Congress, liberal federal judges who make laws from their diaz thrones. GIT IT DONE. Let the purge begin.

  5. In 11th century Italy he would be blinded, castrated, hobbled (Achilles tendon cut), and left to beg. Treason was a serious issue in those days.

    More fitting his crimes than what he’ll NOT receive under our current corrupt system.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This is just for show, the House already said they would not send the impeachment to the floor. This is just a committee hearing then done.

    Government pretending to expose government corruption in one area but instead revealing all areas of government are corrupt.

  7. all these evil people on their high chairs looking down upon us little people and laughing. Well folks- there will be a day of judgment and if you are on the Lords side all of this will not matter in the end. But woe to those that trample on the just and righteous. I can wait for it.

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