Kratom, Good or Bad? – IOTW Report

Kratom, Good or Bad?

Courthouse News

Seeking to short-circuit any possible regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amid increasing reports of overdose deaths, the American Kratom Association is urging kratom users and sellers to call their representatives in support of new legislation.

“We want a tsunami wave to hit Congress,” says AKA chairman Matt Salmon, a former Republican congressman from Arizona, during an Oct. 18 instructional webinar. He urged kratom users to enlist friends and family to use the AKA’s website to send letters and even automatically dial the telephones of their congressional representatives and voice their support. More

16 Comments on Kratom, Good or Bad?

  1. For chronic pain, it is a godsend, I have been using it for about 7 years. Reports of overdose deaths almost always include use of other substances in addition to kratom and its not the kratom that causes death, kinda like dying with covid or dying from covid.

  2. I know a couple people that were hooked on Opioids and got off them by using Kratom. Kratoms killed one hell of a lot less people than Opiods. It’s starting to get more popular so big pharma is worried about not selling enough Norco. I’m thinking about giving it a try. Arthritis. In the lower back of all places.

  3. If the FDA opposes it, it must be actually safe and effective unlike the poisons FDA pushes to kill people and enrich themselves.

  4. For years the big pharma industry has been trying to seize all control of kratom. They don’t want small companies or individuals to do their own research or have unprescribed access. $$$$$$$$$

  5. When did it become OK for the govt to control what we ingest? Alcohol prohibition was the last time I can think of that the common understanding was that outlawing booze was unconstitutional without an amendment.

    If their consumption weren’t so widespread, celery and grapefruit would be illegal, as would garlic. I’m surprised peanuts are still allowed what with with all the hysteria over allergic reactions.

    I’m a bit embarrassed that I’d never heard of kratom until just now, and it sounds like something I might get some pain relief from. A quick check, though, showed that Sarasota County FL, where I live, made kratom illegal to sell almost ten years ago, and it is semi-controlled throughout the whole state. I guess I’m going to have to drive up to Manatee County if I don’t want to go the internet/mail order route.

  6. Kratom got me off alcohol, weed, and helped a ton with anxiety. I originally got it for pain, but honestly it doesn’t do much for pain (for me anyhow). Big problem with it though, I can’t shit when on it. Total backup. Also, it’s extremely addictive. I’ve read about many people who actually went back on opiods to get off kratom because it was easier to get off opiods than kratom. I’ve been trying to get off it for 2 years now with no success, best I can do is reduce intake. If you want to try it, though, I suggest They make a quality K, much better than any gas station/smoke shop can provide. Just follow their guidelines for intake: 2 grams MAX twice a day. Otherwise the opioid effect kicks in and that’s where addiction starts. If you’re using for pain, you need to overdose to 3-5 grams, get the opioid effect, and you’ll be addicted. Good luck.

  7. Eugenia, it’s a general pain reliever. With the many side effects kratom comes with, it’s more manageable than any prescription drug. I’d say kratom is way better for you than taking vicodin, oxy, demerol, or codeine if you take that for pain relief, or are considering taking those or similar. Addiction is probably the same if not worse, so you need to take that into consideration. I’ve never had much relief for pain with any pain medication so not surprising that kratom didn’t work for me, but it did wonders for my anxiety, so I kept taking it. Then I started taking it as a preventative to anxiety which was a huge mistake. So just be sure your pain is severe enough to warrant taking it rather than trying to avoid pain all together. You’ll need to “overdose” to get pain relief, 3 to 5 grams per serving, but start small (1 or 2 grams) and see what it gets you and up the dosage from there. Everyone is different, and some strains of kratom may do nothing for you while others are much more potent (there’s red, green, white, fast, slow, etc,etc, that are grown in different parts of the world), and if you rely on one strain long enough you will build a tolerance and need to switch to another. Needs to be taken on an empty stomach, so there’s that too.

  8. I’m of the mind with kratom, remove all the warning labels and let Darwin clean the gene pool.


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