Kris Kobach: Voter Fraud Commission ‘Being Handed Off’ to DHS, Will No Longer Be ‘Stonewalled’ by Dems – IOTW Report

Kris Kobach: Voter Fraud Commission ‘Being Handed Off’ to DHS, Will No Longer Be ‘Stonewalled’ by Dems

Big Government: Kansas Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach says the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity will be “handed off” to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to “more effectively” investigate voter fraud without being “stonewalled” by Democrats.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Kobach said the news that President Trump is dissolving the voter fraud commission should not be grounds for leftist organizations and Democrats — who sought to stop the investigations into double voting and ballots cast by non-citizens — to celebrate, as the investigations will continue under DHS.

“What’s happening is a tactical shift where the mission of the commission is being handed off to Homeland Security without the stonewalling by Democrats,” Kobach told Breitbart News.

“I’ll be working closely with the White House and DHS to ensure the investigations continue,” Kobach continued. read more

7 Comments on Kris Kobach: Voter Fraud Commission ‘Being Handed Off’ to DHS, Will No Longer Be ‘Stonewalled’ by Dems

  1. great !

    but I want to see people go to jail for infringing on my voting rights through fraud.

    just like I want to see Obama, hillary and huma go to jail for violating my security rights.

    just like I want to see comey, mueller and the rest go to to jail for obstructing my justice.

  2. So the electoral frauds perpetrated by socialists around the nation will be investigated by a socialist-dominated unionized shop?

    Yeah, that’ll clear things up. If they start with the Alabama Senatorial election, I might believe it – otherwise, it’s the same old bullshit.

    They’ll form a board of concerned staffers to appoint a conference to call a committee to debate the names of possible and potential members of an executive which will agree to submit names (if a quorum can be gathered) of advisers to the Secretariat who will begin to form the nucleus of a working group.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim,
    If they wanted a “board of concerned staffers to appoint a conference to call a committee….” they would have kept on doing what they were doing.

    This is a truly potential game change, I think. We now have a leadership team that is changing the way things have always been done to actually accomplish a goal.

  4. “They’ll form a board of concerned staffers to appoint a conference to call a committee to debate the names of possible and potential members of an executive which will agree to submit names (if a quorum can be gathered) of advisers to the Secretariat who will begin to form the nucleus of a working group.”

    Tim, I’m stealing that one…

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