Kris Krispy Blames Trump For Jew Hatred – IOTW Report

Kris Krispy Blames Trump For Jew Hatred


Chris Christie laid the blame for rising antisemitism and Islamophobia directly at Donald Trump’s feet.

“When you show intolerance toward everyone, which is what [Trump] does, you give permission as a leader for others to have their intolerance come out,” Christie said during an interview with Dana Bash on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday. “Intolerance toward anyone encourages intolerance toward everyone.”

“I believe Donald Trump’s intolerant language and conduct gives others permission to act the same,” he added.

GOP Presidential candidate Chris Christie blames Trump for the rise in antisemitism:


Let’s hear from a man smarter than Christie explain what desperate candidates do in the final hours –

20 Comments on Kris Krispy Blames Trump For Jew Hatred

  1. Trump’s SIL is an Orthodox Jew. Kushner and his wife Ivanka (who converted to Judaism in 2009[284]) are Modern Orthodox Jews, keep a kosher home, and observe the Jewish Shabbat.

    Trump is a lot of things, he isn’t a Jew hater. Fat ass Christy is self loathing.

  2. And all this from a fat guy who has a zero percent chance of ever becoming President. The socialists Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas got far more votes for President than Krispy Kreme ever will. Hey fat guy, go tell that to the antisemite Greta the spoiled snot Swedish airhead that claims that climate change is gonna kill us all.

  3. I got over criticizing him because he’s fat. But the fat fuck is acting like a jealous, small-minded, envious adolescent who can’t stand being irrelevant. And a jiggling bowl of jelly fat fuck.

  4. Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi are all on the same team. They are dedicated to America’s downfall. They can all go to hell as far as I’m concerned.

  5. 3000 years of history, control of all banking, control of hundreds of governments, exploitation of the US government and the privacy of it’s citizens, etc. is what breeds antisemitic sentiments.

  6. Hitler was dead before Trump was born, so all Krispy Cunt has is a deplorable lack of historical knowledge.
    Mr. Liberty, you’re actually using exactly the 3rd Reich’s reasoning.
    JAfter millennia of prejudice and attempts at jewish genocide , can you blame Jews for seeking some sort of power to offset those that would destroy them?

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