Kroger Hops on the Anti-Gun Bandwagon, Bans Open Carry – IOTW Report

Kroger Hops on the Anti-Gun Bandwagon, Bans Open Carry


On Tuesday, Kroger followed in Walmart’s footsteps by asking shoppers to not openly carry guns on store premises in states that have legal open carry.

The only individuals exempt from this open carry ban are authorized law enforcement.


ht/fdr in hell

20 Comments on Kroger Hops on the Anti-Gun Bandwagon, Bans Open Carry

  1. The handwriting’s on the wall.

    And it is not going to change.

    Anyone not recognizing the trend and direction we are heading is simply refusing to see it. If you need help, try looking at everything from Tienanmen to Venezuela to Hong Kong and think about it.

    Get what you need now while it can still be done without permission and records (Think California).

    Be a Boy Scout , Be prepared.

  2. Been shopping Krogers for over 40yrs. Never once saw an open carry. Have seen concealed carry as some folks wear improper clothing for concealment. Looks like Meijer and the independents nearby will be receiving my business in the future. Slight inconvenience for me as Kroger is near my home. Oh well.

  3. “We are also joining those encouraging our elected leaders to pass laws that will strengthen background checks and remove weapons from those who have been found to pose a risk for violence.”

    Here’s the problem:

    self-defense = “risk for violence”

    So, everyone is a risk for violence.

    “those who have been found” – by whom? And by what standard outside the Constitution do you advocate violating the Constitution?

    Do you also assign ‘probabilities’ to everyone for the likelihood of them committing a crime?

    This country can not even apply the simplest articles in the Bill Of Rights without screwing up.

  4. There needs to be a law passed where these “gun free” zones become legally liable for any attack on their property. When they have to pay for the carnage they encourage maybe they’ll wake up.

  5. …just a matter of time before they tell LEOS to not carry, too. Liberals say we can’t trust THEM, too, and since you’re letting Democrats call your shots, maybe you need to do something about your very visibly armed guard at the door while you’re at it, don’t want to scare anyone, now, do you…

  6. …to Doc’s point, too, if get into any sort of dispute with someone who KNOWS you’re carrying, the first thing they’d say when the police show up is, “HE THREATENED ME WITH HIS GUN!!!”

    …and, now that we’re in “guilty until proven innocent” times you can guess where THAT’S going, and don’t expect “woke” store management to provide camera evidence to exonerate you as I’m sure they would have some “technical difficulties” or you were in a “blind spot”…

    …to say NOTHING of activists that will get in your face and yell “YOU GONNA SHOOT ME, CRACKA?!?” or some such to try to goad you into losing your freedom over something stupid, and you KNOW how the media would cover it…

    …no, as Doc suggests, best to have a little secret…until it’s time to make it’s voice heard…

  7. The last two guns I purchased were at a Kroeger Fred Meyer. I managed to get them both on sale, and the Senior Tuesday discount as well. The first was an accident, the second was carefully planned. Timing. Then the Parkland thing happened, and all their guns and ammo mysteriously disappeared. I’ll not be shopping there anymore. To think of all the groceries and stuff I bought while checking for the right time to purchase the second firearm, was money I’d have spent somewhere else. In my opinion, Kroeger just shot themselves in the foot. Our WalMart never did sell firearms, but they did sell ammo. But hey, I have more than enough of that. When the SHTF, I’ll sell you some . . . if you have gold or silver.

  8. Back in the 70’s I used to stop at a gas station in Mexifornia and the guy was always wearing a revolver in a holster. Said he got tired of being robbed. Those were the good old days when men were men and sissys had their asses kicked.

  9. Depending on the State and State Laws… Like Texas require Signage and Signage come with a cost…

    “Senate Bill 772 provides civil liability protection to business establishments which choose not to post 30.06/30.07 signs, making them less vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits and giving them an incentive to adopt permissive policies for the carrying of handguns by law-abiding citizens on their premises.”

    Were now pushing for Liability Insurance for signage to be increased 100%


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