Kucinich: Trump Jr. Meeting Is a ‘Bunch of Nothing’ – IOTW Report

Kucinich: Trump Jr. Meeting Is a ‘Bunch of Nothing’

FOX: Former congressman Dennis Kucinich doesn’t see anything criminal about Donald Trump Jr.’s controversial June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer.




He explained that attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya claimed to have information damaging to Hillary Clinton, but it appears that she set up the meeting under false pretenses, as she really wanted to discuss a U.S. program for the adoption of Russian children.

Trump Jr. maintains that Veselnitskaya had no “opposition research” on Clinton and nothing came from the brief meeting.

“Big picture, I think this thing is a bunch of nothing,” Kucinich said on “The Fox News Specialists.” “I really do.”     Video

9 Comments on Kucinich: Trump Jr. Meeting Is a ‘Bunch of Nothing’

  1. When Dennis The Menace is to the right of the democRAT party, it should yell out loud to everyone how far Radical Left the Rats really are!!

    I´ve watched Dennis from his childhood days in city clowncil, to boy mayor of Cleveland, to being Shirley MacLaine´s worthless, little, free-loading cabana boy watching UFOs in Washington State for damn near a decade, to his congressional days and impeachment tirades against Dick Cheney and George Bush, etc. I’ve heard his radical, screaming, fear-mongering on the radio at election times about how Republicans want nothing more than to rob Social Security and kill the elderly. I´ve even met his sleezy car salesman brother, who will gladly wrap his arm around you and brag about being Dennis´ brother (which is why we quickly left BTW) and have zero tolerance for any of them! He´s been a far Left, radical bomb-throwing, screaming, Leftist asshole all his life who capitulated on Obamacare when the Obamboozler came to Cleveland to give him an airplane ride and an ice-cream cone, so excuse me and my skepticism at all this wonderful new-found logic of his.
    Yeah, he´s making sense and I applaud him for it, but I really have to wonder when the re-hab is going to wear off!

  2. Like The Rat Fink, I suffered through Kucinich’s time as a city councilman, mayor of Cleveland, and Congressman. Somewhere along the line, he got a “Come To Jesus” moment. Don’t know what it was or when it actually happened (I suspect after he left Congress and was no longer enveloped in the Kultursmog), but I’m surprised.

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