Kurt Schlichter’s Latest Piece is a Work of Art – IOTW Report

Kurt Schlichter’s Latest Piece is a Work of Art

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

The Russiagate Scam Will Blow Up In The Democrats’ Smug Faces

If you’re stressed out about this whole Russian nonsense, relax – Donald Trump didn’t do anything wrong, and he’s not going be impeached, arrested, or ritually disemboweled. When the truth comes out and it explodes in the Democrats’ soft, girlish hands, we’ll all be laughing and toasting their humiliation with Stoli shots.

How do I know this with utter certainty? Because it’s all so glaringly obvious, and it’s the only scenario that fits the facts. As Hugh Hewitt says, this scandal has three silos. The first silo is the question of whether the Russians somehow “hacked our election.” The second silo is whether any Trump people “colluded” with the Russians. The third silo, the one patriots care most about since it’s the one that isn’t a ridiculous fantasy, is whether anyone in Obama’s administration used our intelligence apparatus to spy on his and Hillary’s political opponents. The answers are “No,” “No,” and “Yes.” The end results are going to be a stronger Trump, weaker Democrats, and various Obama minions exploring new career opportunities in the exciting fields of license plate-making, large-to-small rock transformation, and artisanal pruno distilling.

Russians didn’t hack the election. Liberals use the word “hacked” because they can claim they only mean “influenced” while implying to stupid people inclined to believe their conspiracy theories that the Russians broke into computers and changed votes from Hillary to Donald. Of course, they forgot to also change the Senate votes to the Dems, but whatev.

Even James Comey agrees that never happened, so now the Democrats are claiming that Russian social media bots used fake news to trick the previously Hillary-inclined electorate into voting against her. Basically, they’re saying Hillary’s supporters were easily duped idiots. Now, dummies have always been a key Democrat demographic. She clearly has a unique appeal to the stupid, the gullible, and the readily confused, making the voters she was counting on especially vulnerable to those cunning Russian clickbaiters operating from secret Macedonian villages.

“Well, I was exploring the shocking real reason CHiPS went off the air, which was going to stun me, when I saw a story on OMGLinks that Hillary Clinton had an alien baby. Why, then I knew I had to vote for Donald Trump because I hate aliens. We got to build us a wall around space and make them Space Mexicans pay for it!”

“I was using my portable computer machine to internet, and I was about to have my jaw dropped by what Joyce Dewitt of Three’s Company looks like today, when I saw the link to proof that Hillary and Bill Clinton are gun-grabbing devil worshipers. So I had to vote for Trump, because I cling to my guns and my religion and my other guns.”

Their alternate version of You Stole My Morons! is that the release of the damning facts contained in John Podesta and Felonia von Pantsuit’s emails made people think she was terrible. People thought that because those emails showed, beyond any doubt, that she is terrible, and that her Democrat Party is less a political organization than a disorganized crime ring. Remember that when the media gets angry about the emails, the reason is that you got accurate information about the media’s partisan pals that the media wanted hidden from you. Democracy dies in darkness all right; the media is trying to strangle it in an unlit alley.

read more – it gets even better

13 Comments on Kurt Schlichter’s Latest Piece is a Work of Art

  1. Mark Steyn better watch his back because Schlichter is becoming my all time favorite columnist. He is brilliant and hilarious. I started following him on Twitter so I would know immediately when his latest column is out.

  2. Very good piece of work. It makes sense of a deliberately confused Democrat violation of the laws designed to protect American citizens from illegal surveillance. Now watch the Obama/Clinton crowd start scurrying like the traitorous rats they have always been.

  3. It would be a big wet dream come true to see this happen. Political heads roll, and ankles shackled. I want orange to be the hot new fashion trend in Democrat circles.

  4. Do you all remember how Trump set up a mini sting operation at his Trump HQ to help determine who was leaking details of his intelligence meetings there? Someone else can link it if they like, but Trump’s comments at the time were to the effect that he kept a particular meeting strictly secret, didn’t even tell his private secretary about it. Day after the meeting (maybe even that afternoon) he’s reading about details of conversation at the meeting in the NYT’s or the WaPo. That’s when he knew which entity was leaking, and it wasn’t his own people, which he feared might be the case. It was the very intelligence people giving him the briefing.

    Ok. That’s the backdrop to something Geoff C. and I had an almost simultaneous epiphany about last night. Suppose Mike Flynn took an arrow for the new President? Would it be too fantastic to believe Flynn and Trump used the situation of the Big Russian Connection to turn the tables and irrefutably expose the real players behind the illicit use of intelligence gathering and leaking happening within obama’s WH and intelligence community? Didn’t it strike anyone else here odd that Trump not only did not put up a fight over Flynn’s excoriation at the hands of bad actors, but there was dead calm and silence and then a disappointing announcement about Flynn’s “lying to Pence” that was, at least to us, so uncharacteristic of Flynn as to be barely believable. Seriously. Trump is not one to turn against those who have been loyal to him and Flynn was an ardent and effective surrogate in the campaign. Flynn criss-crossed the country, put in long hours and served Trump’s campaign faithfully and without reservation. It seemed quite odd that Trump spent little or no energy defending Flynn, but instead issued a “You’re Fired!” as though he was doing it for the cameras. Maybe it’s because he was. And the reason? Please. A high school student coming in past curfew could have argued their way out of that one. Does anyone really believe Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, “forgot” the details of his conversations with THE RUSSIANS, then purposely lied to the Veep about it? What would be the motivation?

    Well, maybe he did. Maybe Trump didn’t really like him for other reasons. Oh wait, that doesn’t work, either. He was nearly Trump’s first and unequivocal appointment.

    Is it too fantastic to think that Flynn was never going to fulfill his appointment? That it was all a fabulous Trump sting operation from the outset? It has all the earmarks of a Trump move. Katie Walsh could tell us about that. And I think Priebus better be careful, too. But that’s another conversation.

  5. AA – My thoughts also. Trump managed to finesse and manipulate his way through international finance/business for many decades. Some of this stuff must seem like playing in the minors to him.

  6. Excellent piece!! But when it all hits the fan for the Dummycrats, I’ll be toasting with Sobieski vodka. Screw the Russkies, the Poles make better vodka. They are the Masters of malt!! And, I’m 1/2 Polish so I might be a little prejudiced!!

  7. He paints wonderful, hilarious pictures in my mind with his word selections. Love to read his columns. And I soooo hope he is right about this. The left always seem to come away from every criminal act unscathed.

  8. Pedesta wash fished (?) and the DNC was leaked

    Russia was the scapegoat in order to do damage to Pres. Trump, and sheep were too happy to follow along with the sheer idiocy of it. They still are and it’s fun to witness.


  9. Remember when the irs scandal unfolded and a Tea Party woman leader testified before congress that she was “not a serf”? Kurt wrote an excellent piece on that. He also wrote a piece saying “obama, you don’t get to disarm us”, I believe after the giffords shooting or maybe Sandy Hook. These are excellent reads if you can find them. I saved the latter, it is must read for gun owners.

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