Kyrie Irving Gets into Heated Exchange with ESPN Reporter Who Questioned His Social Media Posts – IOTW Report

Kyrie Irving Gets into Heated Exchange with ESPN Reporter Who Questioned His Social Media Posts

National File:

Kyrie Irving got into a heated exchange with a reporter who questioned recent social media posts that referenced a documentary deemed antisemitic. Irving — who previously drew the ire of sports media after he refused to comply with NYC’s vaccine mandate — was publicly chastised by Nets owner Joe Tsai for referencing a documentary titled, Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America.

“I’m disappointed that Kyrie appears to support a film based on a book full of anti-semitic disinformation. I want to sit down and make sure he understands this is hurtful to all of us, and as a man of faith, it is wrong to promote hate based on race, ethnicity or religion,” Tsai tweeted. “This is bigger than basketball.” more

7 Comments on Kyrie Irving Gets into Heated Exchange with ESPN Reporter Who Questioned His Social Media Posts

  1. I would bet that his Lawyer & Accountant may be of the persuasion that he has a hypocrite stick up his ass about.

    Now Fuck Off & go pick Apples!

  2. Wow, you guys should really watch the damn video before you make comments. Kyrie Irving is an un woke individual. And the media can’t stand it. Drives them nuts. We need a lot more just like him.

  3. TRF

    I believe he is one of the NBA players that told them to take this jab and shove it. And if he’s the guy I’m thinking of defended himself well in front of a hostile media.

  4. Kyrie Irving is;
    1) a good basketball player
    2) a kook
    3) a hypocrite

    He might be one the best with a basketball in his hands but when he ventures into the real world, his beliefs are all over the map. He isn’t wrong about everything. Flat earth, anyone? He was right about the vaccine and I’ll give him a thumbs up for not giving in. I think he made a statement at the time that he was doing this for everyone but as soon as whatever dipschist mayor NYC had at the time lifted the vaxx mandate for entertainment and sports figures, he went right back to playing. He probably doesn’t include police, firefighters and sanitation workers in his definition of everyone.
    I would have had more respect for him if he wouldn’t have played until the vaxx mandate was lifted for EVERYONE or just kept his mouth shut in the first place.

    I don’t particularly like him but he’s free to say and believe what he wants. If the media doesn’t like it, they could stop giving him a megaphone.

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