Musk Freezes Some Twitter Employee’s Access to “Content Moderation” So They Can’t Manipulate Election – IOTW Report

Musk Freezes Some Twitter Employee’s Access to “Content Moderation” So They Can’t Manipulate Election

Musk has knee-capped leftist shitweasels who have manipulated info in the past on the social media giant. Imagine how much stealing would have to be involved had these scumsuckers not buried the Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell.


Twitter has frozen some employee access to internal tools used for content moderation and other policy enforcement, curbing the staff’s ability to clamp down on “misinformation” ahead of the midterms.

“Most people who work in Twitter’s Trust and Safety organization are currently unable to alter or penalize accounts that break rules…” Those posts were prioritized for manual enforcement, sources said.

“People who were on call to enforce Twitter’s policies during Brazil’s presidential election did get access to the internal tools on Sunday, but in a limited capacity, according to two of the people.”

Twitter is still utilizing automated enforcement technology and third-party contractors.

The employees aren’t happy. Perhaps they had big plans for these eight days running up to the election.


Bloomberg via Zero Hedge-

Twitter staff use dashboards, known as agent tools, to carry out actions like banning or suspending an account that is deemed to have breached policy. Detection of policy breaches can either be flagged by other Twitter users or detected automatically, but taking action on them requires human input and access to the dashboard tools. Those tools have been suspended since last week, the people said.

This restriction is part of a broader plan to freeze Twitter’s software code to keep employees from pushing changes to the app during the transition to new ownership. Typically this level of access is given to a group of people numbering in the hundreds, and that was initially reduced to about 15 people last week, according to two of the people, who asked not to be named discussing internal decisions. Musk completed his $44 billion deal to take the company private on Oct. 27. -Bloomberg

5 Comments on Musk Freezes Some Twitter Employee’s Access to “Content Moderation” So They Can’t Manipulate Election

  1. I really like this guy.

    Cars, not for me, but he’s definitely keeping the US in space & trying to open up free discourse.

  2. Musk will give authority to the kinds of people who are actually apolitical and only do what it takes to do to move up the latter. A lot of people who participated in Twitter’s shitbaggery only did so because that’s how they moved up in their careers. These cameleons can be trusted insofar as they will gladly change their stripes to keep their jobs.


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