L.A. Democrat Resigns Over Leaked Racist Remarks – IOTW Report

L.A. Democrat Resigns Over Leaked Racist Remarks

Try finding another report that calls her a Democrat. Only the alternative media reports accurately.

Also, I thought they floated on air above it all and were not racists.


The president of the Los Angeles City Council resigned Monday after audio leaked of her racist remarks about a colleague’s child and Oaxacan immigrants in the city.

Nury Martinez apologized and resigned “effective immediately” in a statement reported by the Los Angeles Times

The audio, posted anonymously on Reddit and reported by the Times on Sunday, includes Martinez saying a white council member “handled his young Black son as though he were an accessory” and describing the colleague’s son in Spanish as “like a monkey.”

Martinez also reportedly called the colleague, councilmember Mike Bonin, an expletive, according to the audio shared by the Times, and discussed the child’s behavior during a parade, allegedly saying his parents are “raising him like a little white kid.”

“I was like, this kid needs a beatdown,” Martinez reportedly said. “Let me take him around the corner and then I’ll bring him back.”

Martinez also reportedly referred to Oaxacan immigrants living in the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles as “little short dark people.”


Dems are racist. They run for office on the left because it’s easy to pander and win. They spend other people’s money and promise minorities the moon in exchange for their vote. Meanwhile, they don’t like them.

Prove me wrong.

13 Comments on L.A. Democrat Resigns Over Leaked Racist Remarks

  1. She needs to be thrown off the council. It is not enough that she resigns as president of the council. What a joke!
    This audio needs to go viral. It shows a comfort level for these people to spew their backward and racist thinking. Imagine all the meetings and conversations that haven’t been recorded.

  2. “What we do when no one is looking is the definition of integrity”, what a dumbass, can’t libs get anything right? The saying goes,”Doing the right thing when no one is looking is the definition of integrity”.

    It’s always amusing to watch progs navigate the minefield that they themselves created.

    She is part of a protected class; female and a minority, some donations to BLM, her local abortion clinic, and putting some climate/vaccine deniers in prison and she will be right as rain.

  3. The socialist Los Angeles City Council mismanages a shit hole.
    Homelessness, corruption, tent cities, drug dealers, addicts, gangs, illegal immigrants, criminals, mentally ill, prostitutes, pedophiles and those who traffic young boys and girls.
    The wealthy gated communities are blind or ignorants to what surrounds them, unless a criminal scales the wall of their community.

  4. Oh, jeez.
    Insensitive? Yeah.
    Dumb? Yeah.
    Unnecessary? Yeah.
    Racist? Not a bit.

    Being a Demonrat, she’s probably a worthless sack of monkey shit – even if she said NOTHING – but I ain’t getting the “racist” part (yes, I get the hypocrisy and the cancel parts).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Read & know the history of the Democrat party of America. It will explain everything in black(!!!)& white. My personal favorite is when LBJ was quoted thusly, “Keep telling the N!&%ers what they want to hear, they will vote Democrat for eternity”. Class dismissed.

  6. “Dems are racist. They run for office on the left because it’s easy to pander and win. They spend other people’s money and promise minorities the moon in exchange for their vote. Meanwhile, they don’t like them.”

    And our average IQ is about 95 and in decline because of our schooling and immigration disasters. So the beat goes on while our feckless RNC does zero.

    No worries, we’ll have McConnell and Mccarthy as our leaders should we beat the cheat.

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