L.A. teachers union says schools can’t reopen unless charter schools get shut down, police defunded – IOTW Report

L.A. teachers union says schools can’t reopen unless charter schools get shut down, police defunded

They also want Medicare-for-All, a wealth tax, a federal bailout.
Is there anything else you Old E swilling dullards need?

23 Comments on L.A. teachers union says schools can’t reopen unless charter schools get shut down, police defunded

  1. “Is there anything else you Old E swilling dullards need?“

    If only they were swilling Old English, instead of “Language Arts”. When did that crap start? I guess it was Common Core.

  2. Police violence “is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people, and is a serious public health and moral issue,”

    Fake news x^10
    Only 114 days to go on with this crap, then what?

  3. I have to support the teachers who aren’t dedicated to the unions. They aren’t dependant on the union. However, most are not in a position to be able to resist. Teachers are not paid a lot of money.
    I am not a fan of the unions. People should be able to compete based on their own capabilities. However, the current rules and deep state are so geared towards the establishment, that many do not have the option to take it on.

  4. They say Police violence “is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people, and is a serious public health and moral issue,”

    Surely, it must be lower than gang-banger murders, death from OD’ing, heart disease, cancer, and suicide.

    As for being a moral issue, It’s probably pretty low down on the list as well. Underage sex, abortion, selling and using drugs and alcohol surely come in at the top. I would also add spraying graffiti on as may surfaces as they can find to be morally worse by far than the po-leece.

  5. Teacher’s unions aren’t all about compensation although the goodies are what keeps the teachers themselves on board. Former president of the AFT famously said, When school children start paying dues, we’ll start representing them.

    The teacher’s unions are about much more than offering a wage/benny/pension package that bears no resemblance to a market clearing price for the teachers. Just like results in the classroom bear no resemblance to compensation? What other job can you fail so spectacularly and then demand more. AND GET IT?!? Teachers aren’t paid much?? What planet are you on?

    The 100s of millions in those dues that are then, 100% of the time, kicked backed to the dem party is also a nice side feature. After all the teacher’s unions are their single largest contributor.

    And do you realize that nearly every municipality across this country is in dire fiscal straights because of the ridiculous pensions squeezed out by local school boards?

    But no, the fundamental goal of the teacher’s unions is the destruction of our values, traditions, history and culture. Believing that these unions can be placated with more compensation is naive. The alligator will only come back next year and threaten to shut down the schools.

    Their demands in LA reveal their goal else why would they demand charter schools be eliminated? That’s a no brainer, they want the ability to control young minds, it has nothing to do with compensation.

    The compensation is needed to buy the souls of the teachers and administrators.

  6. I have inside knowlwdge of the LA school system: it a corrupt jungle existing solely so those working in it can loot it – and democrat politicians get their cut. The teachers are the dumbest in the nation, and teach nothing but leftism and narcissim.


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