L.A. Times ‘Undecided’ Focus Group Chooses Trump After Last Debate – IOTW Report

L.A. Times ‘Undecided’ Focus Group Chooses Trump After Last Debate


A focus group of “undecided voters” convened by pollster Frank Luntz for the Los Angeles Times chose President Donald Trump overwhelmingly after watching the final debate of the presidential election on Thursday night.

Though many participants complained about Trump’s “personality” in general, many also felt he had been more “presidential” on the night. And many complained that Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden seemed vague and elusive in his answers.

Some voters expressed feelings of guilt in admitting they would vote for Trump, but said they simply could not trust Biden to do the job. One said that his age was a concern; another said that voting for Biden felt like voting for an “idea,” since he seemed unlikely to be running his own administration. There’s MORE

16 Comments on L.A. Times ‘Undecided’ Focus Group Chooses Trump After Last Debate

  1. Cut to the chase, they can’t pull the trigger for the guy that is incoherent, nonsensical, can’t pronounce words and looks like he should stay hidden away napping in a rocking chair. Sadly the corruption isn’t even the issue people are bothered by, it is the 78 year old that looked ready for nap time 30 minutes in.

  2. I’ll prove to you how badly Trump crushed Biden in one sentence.

    I get The NYT Daily Briefing and they called the debate a draw!

    If The NYT is forced to concede it was a draw, bet your last donut their assholes were clenched last night to the point of exhaustion.

  3. No human being is perfect we are all sinner’s, I think some of the American people put the President on a pedestal and expect him to be some perfect person. Ain’t gonna happen.

    Personally I don’t think his personality is all that bad, and I think he’s really comical which tends to make a person likeable, just my two cents worth. Go MAGA 🇺🇸

  4. “Undecided” is another word for “retard.”

    Do you believe one maggot should have the power of life and death over you?
    I’m undecided.

    Would you choose Liberty or Slavery for yourself and your progeny?
    I’m undecided.

    Every animal from the protozoan to the lion defends itself. Is self-defense a right?
    I’m undecided.

    One economic path leads to poverty and despair; another leads to prosperity and hope; which would you choose?
    I’m undecided.

    Would you rather be diseased or healthy (mentally and physically)?
    I’m undecided.

    Ya gotta be shittin me.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I doubt the debate changed anyone’s mind on who they were going to vote for, or made them decide to vote if they were planning to just sit this one out.

    Different sources seem to see different winners with no real consensus developing about it yet, just depends which side they were on to start with as to whom they see as the winner.

    As for me, I see trump as the winner because of the evasiveness and falsehoods used by Biden several times when he wouldn’t give an answer because it would look bad for him no matter what he said (Trump did a good job at setting these up and Biden didn’t see it coming).

    But the only win that matters is the one on election day and, as I said, I doubt this debate will have much impact on that one way or the other.

  6. The LA Times is setting up damage control to their creditability: when Trump wins despite all the negative reporting from this and all other rags they can point to last nights debate and say “we had it right but it turned 10/23/2020”

  7. you can call me partisan all day long and you’d be right. There is not one single devilcrat alive today that i’d vote for. Now that i cleared that up, Trump hit the ball out of the ballpark then beat biden with the bat.

  8. I don’t think the debates change anyone’s mind, but they may give some people a clarity as to why they think what they do about a candidate. If you don’t trust Biden, now maybe you can articulate it.


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