LA Art Critic Proposes Replacing Trump Tower with “plague tower” – IOTW Report

LA Art Critic Proposes Replacing Trump Tower with “plague tower”


Los Angeles Times art critic Christopher Knight — who just won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for criticism — wants to demolish Trump Tower in New York and create a coronavirus memorial, or “plague column,” in its place.

Christopher Knight made the bizarre recommendation in a recent L.A. Times essay, saying that Trump Tower symbolizes a “social pestilence” that needs to be eradicated. In the article, he outlined a few hypothetical scenarios for the high-rise building, which is located on 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan. More

13 Comments on LA Art Critic Proposes Replacing Trump Tower with “plague tower”

  1. I suggest that the art critic be replaced with the contents that forgotten container in the back of the refrigerator, the one that you think might be the remains of an of egg foo yung dinner from mid-February but you can’t stand getting close enough to tell.

  2. Well, what the heck, as long as we’re into renaming, why not rename Los Angeles something more befitting, like, oh, I dunno, maybe Gay Plague City? And we can rename SanFranShitHole Plague of the day on the Bay?

  3. …sure buddy…if you can afford to buy it at market price, afford to demolish it yourself, and afford to build your “Art Project” in it’s place, go for it, the President’s a good capitalist and will appreciate the sale at a profit…

    …but I’m guessing you just expect to be HANDED a fully functional building on prime Manhattan real estate, have someone ELSE figure out how to demolish it, get automatic waviers on the myriad design and construction approvals and permitting to build your nonfunctional monstrosity and have soneone ELSE deal with boring stuff like dealing with construction unions and actually making something from nothing because, orange man bad…

    …also, you gonna pay the taces and insurance on your Orange Man Bad tower? Make up for ALL the lost income to the City for ALL the people and businesses that operate there NOW?

    CAN you?

    Yeah, that’s what I THOUGHT…

  4. Criticism, in the sense of reasoned judgment or analysis. This is the definition used by the fools that award the stupid prize; Where in the statement by this A-Hole is he exhibiting reasoned judgement? Pure Hatred – What a waste of Oxygen.

  5. ‘Chrissy’ … you’re free to buy Trump Tower & turn it into the biggest pill of monumental shit you want … go for it

    btw, it’s called Capitalism … not Confiscation

    the worst plague in the world is Progressive Fascisms

  6. Art and music critics are well know shitheads:

    ‘Knight has appeared on CBS’ 60 Minutes, PBS’ Newshour, NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered and CNN…”

    Need we say more?

  7. Gee, I wonder how many people have had successful careers based on Christopher Knight’s businesses.
    Isn’t there a great big Knight tower on La Cienigga?


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