LA Firefighter Uses Vaccine Non-Compliance Letter To Wipe His Butt – IOTW Report

LA Firefighter Uses Vaccine Non-Compliance Letter To Wipe His Butt


The Los Angeles Fire Department is investigating an incident in which a firefighter “responded inappropriately” after being handed a letter to comply with the city’s vaccine mandate, a department spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The Stentorians of Los Angeles City, a group representing African American firefighters, said Wednesday that the LAFD member responded to receiving the non-compliance letter by dropping his pants and wiping his buttocks with the letter, leaving fecal matter on the document. He then dropped the letter on the ground. More

19 Comments on LA Firefighter Uses Vaccine Non-Compliance Letter To Wipe His Butt

  1. “Inappropriate”?
    I would call his action totally appropriate to the situation.

  2. Just when you think that mandates have ruined your job and your happiness keep in mind that there are people out there who’s job it is to wipe Joe Biden’s ass and change his diaper EVERY DAY!

    Let’s Go Brandon

  3. I once had the duty in Navy boot camp of taking care of the bed wetters over on Worm Island when they put me in a graduation purpose’s only company. I would have to get up every 2 hrs. at night and make sure these losers would go pee and go back to sleep for another 2 hrs. and wake them up again 2 hrs. late to do it all over again. It was hard to stay awake during the day with my regular company attending instruction classes but I didn’t have to march or drill because of having cellulitis in my left heel. And as an added bonus I was given special privileges to not have to wait in line to eat at the mess hall, (nut to butt, make the guy in front of you smile) I could walk up to the front of the chow line and show them my pass. Boy, did that ever piss off the rest of the recruits yelling at me, “Who the hell do think you are, privileged or something.” Yep!


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