LA jails refuse to turn 25,000 criminal illegal immigrants over to ICE – IOTW Report

LA jails refuse to turn 25,000 criminal illegal immigrants over to ICE

Wa Examiner: Los Angeles, home to the largest jail system in the United States, has ignored more than 25,000 requests from federal authorities to turn over illegal immigrants after they have been arrested for crimes by local law enforcement, according to federal data obtained by the Washington Examiner.

This week, Sheriff Alex Villanueva announced his department would stop transferring even the most dangerous offenders in the Los Angeles County Jail to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In his explanation, Villanueva said he was looking out for the 1 million LA residents who are also illegally residing in the county and too scared to report crimes to police because it could mean being sent back to their home country.

“As the sheriff of Los Angeles County, I am responsible for everyone’s public safety, regardless of immigration status,” Villanueva said in a statement. “I will not allow an entire segment of the population to be afraid to report crimes to law enforcement and be forced, again, back into the shadows.”

The top ICE official who oversees arrests of illegal immigrants within the U.S. was furious at Villanueva’s comments during a phone call Friday. ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Executive Associate Director Henry Lucero told the Washington Examiner that Villanueva’s claim was a ploy, and a false one at that, meant to appeal to local residents at the cost of misinforming them about how ICE operates. more here

11 Comments on LA jails refuse to turn 25,000 criminal illegal immigrants over to ICE

  1. What a great way to end up at the top of ICE’s shit list. Defunding any law enforcement grants or monies would surely be contested in court but it would take time and cost cash strapped LA county some duress. I would imagine that the federal government has more funds for lawyers than LA county. These people hat decide that just because they don’t agree with a law they don’t have to enforce it are in breech of their oath of office and should be held accountable for their stupidity.

  2. “I am responsible for EVERYONE’s public safety, regardless of immigration status,…… BUT I will abuse my authority and pick and choose enforcement of laws to shield mi raza from the law. Gringos be damned, proclaimed Sheriff Alejandro…..”

  3. Well, this is what you get when your sheriff is Mexican, and you let illegal Mexicans vote. Didn’t this shithead take an oath of office? Feds should charge the sheriff and seize the jail under RICO statutes.

    Just curious: I thought Gavin Gruesome released all the prisoners because Covid.

  4. Time to issue en banc/ blank arrest warrants for ALL LA law enforcement leadership, from Hizzonor Teh Mayor down to the precinct captains.
    Swoop in and arrest the law enforcement (gigglesnort!) leadership, and at the same time seize the illegals.
    Fed law supersedes local whims, am’I’right?
    The Libtard Left DildoCrats will scream, but they already think the President Trump is Hitler/Satan personified, so what does PDJT have to lose?
    Oh, and as far as making the deportations stick, so that the illegals never return……………PREPARE THE TREBUCHET!!

  5. What an ignorant and lawless sheriff. He’s putting 15-20 million southern Californians at risk because he won’t enforce the law or work with federal law enforcement.

  6. Wouldn’t illegal aliens living in your community want criminals removed? Even if those criminals are illegal aliens as well? Shouldn’t Villanueva’s message be, if you’re not a criminal you have nothing to fear from ICE, but if you are a criminal, your ass is going back to Mexico (preferably by catapult)?


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