Labor union declares newspaper downsizing due to ‘right wing plot’ – IOTW Report

Labor union declares newspaper downsizing due to ‘right wing plot’

AT: The Communications Workers of America (CWA) is one of the most far left labor unions in the country, having supported the idea of “community radio stations” and a “living wage.”  Now, a petition on the union’s website accuses a large media company of taking part in a “far right conspiracy” because the newspapers owned by the company are downsizing.

No, really.


7 Comments on Labor union declares newspaper downsizing due to ‘right wing plot’

  1. CWA will follow Marx, Stalin, and Hitler right into Hell.

    “Leftist” my ass! Call it what it is!

    socialist … Socialist … SOCIALIST! Got it?
    Don’t allow THEM to control the language!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim, I call them leftists because I refuse to call them liberals pr progressives. Like all leftists, they are liberty-hating, lying, control freaks. I call them that, too. Also, the reason why newspapers are shedding readers and advertisers is because people are sick of their leftist bullshit and are shunning “news”papers in droves. The same can be said of the leftist television media outlets. I’ve talked to dozens of people who have turned off ALL television “news” within the past few years. The servile, non-thinking portion of our country’s population continues to spoon up leftist propaganda like it is factual news, though, and there are a lot of them out there.

  3. I don’t read the local newspaper very often if at all anymore. I may look at it occasionally at my parent house since they still subscribe to The Spokesman Review our local paper in Spokane. About all I read if for anymore is obituaries. I delivered this paper as a paperboy when I was a kid nearly 50 years ago and even then it was a second rate newspaper. It hasn’t changed much since then except to get smaller in size. Most of my news comes off the internet now with some local radio news. But it was my first job when I was about 13 years old.

  4. I gotta say, my local paper favors us taxpayers, fights tax increases and has exposed many a local politician taking funds, hiring family, and other cronyism. I renew every year at full price – they are what a paper should be, and they are too important to let them die.

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