Lacy Johnson wins Republican primary to face off against Ilhan Omar in Minnesota – IOTW Report

Lacy Johnson wins Republican primary to face off against Ilhan Omar in Minnesota

JustTheNews: Republican Lacy Johnson won his primary in Minnesota, positioning him to take on progressive Democratic incumbent Ilhan Omar in the fall.

Johnson tweeted after the Aug. 11 victory: “I thank my supporters and donors from [the Fifth Congressional District] and across America for tonight’s MN GOP primary win. I thank President Trump for his endorsement and support. I thank God for his continued grace and guidance. We have a formidable challenge ahead. David slew Goliath.”

Lacy Johnson is an entrepreneur who started a technology company to allow inner city children and low income residents to learn business technology and skills to use in the workplace. In an interview with PEN Media, Johnson explained what prompted him to first run for office. more here

7 Comments on Lacy Johnson wins Republican primary to face off against Ilhan Omar in Minnesota

  1. Since the people of MN voted Omar back in who can’t stop spewing her Jew and America hatred along with all her corrupt and immorale behavior while pretending she is practicing her Muslim faith (although not receiving any punishments according to her faith for her transgressions) I’m not sure he has a prayer.

  2. Omar won her primary by an overwhelming margin, and in Minnesota that is virtually the same as winning the election.

    On top of that she is anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-white as well as a Muslim and that seals the deal.

  3. Democrats just killed the republicans in this district. Without identifying individual candidates it was somewhere around 140,000 to 11,000. Might be some late votes coming in, but this district is safely for the donkeys.

  4. Minneapolis and St. Paul are swirling around the drain. Go ahead and defund the police and give the criminals your valuables. Let the thugs rape your women. Don’t forget to obey your local gang of soyboy mayors and city councils you fools. The twin cities are the new dirty toilet bowl of the Midwest. Hopefully the rest of the state will wake up, but I’ve got my doubts. Those that can, should move now.

  5. “Lacy Johnson is an entrepreneur who started a technology company to allow inner city children and low income residents to learn business technology and skills to use in the workplace”.

    And what has Omar done? Immigration fraud, steal campaign funds, support terror, whore, and marry her brother. How does that help anyone but HER?


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