Ladies and Gentleman, Behold! The DEM Nominee For President!! – IOTW Report

Ladies and Gentleman, Behold! The DEM Nominee For President!!

Wait until you see what this moron, Joe Biden , did.

ht/ hot salsa

28 Comments on Ladies and Gentleman, Behold! The DEM Nominee For President!!

  1. Joe is just a place holder for Camel, who would end up president acording to the plan. 25’th amendment. Stop thinking of Dementia Joe as the candidate for D president.

  2. Maybe Trump shouldn’t be in the same room with him.

    Sure glad he’s going to save us all from the Rona.

    Needs to be a Trump add on a loop and played every time Joey tells us how he has a plan.

  3. That’s about as effective as the people in the stores wearing them as chin straps nowhere near covering mouth or nose. Hint: Most are of the types who wear their pants below their butts so they can display their plaid boxer shorts underwear.

  4. @Tony R
    “And why is always wearing the aviator wannabe glasses”
    Next Gen Smart Glasses.

    I always watch people wearing masks, how many times they finger-f–k their mask.
    Put a damp diaper on your face and clean your fingers on it.

  5. all the 25th needs for ‘invokement’ is for VP Kammie Kneepads & a majority of the Cabinet to say ‘it is done’ & it gives her the power …. indefinitely!

    I’m sure they can drum up some Workman’s Comp Quacks to sign a certificate for ‘justification’ … then they’ll do the same to Kammie when her time is up

    the Pelosi nonsense is just Election time distraction

  6. Joe won’t get away with that nonsense in Dr Fauci’s vision for UN/WHO global power, and his quest to – rebuild the infrastructures of human existence or How to Take Over the World, One Medical Fear At a Time.

    Fauci calls for strengthening WHO, ‘rebuilding infrastructure of human existence’ .

    “Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes …. Fauci and National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases scientific senior adviser David Morens wrote in the September 3 edition of Cell….The duo also suggested that “global biosafety cooperation” should be improved “by strengthening the United Nations and its agencies, particularly the World Health Organization” (among other measures)….”


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