Ladies, Your $15,000 Competition is Here – IOTW Report

Ladies, Your $15,000 Competition is Here

It looks like men are working furiously on sex robots.

Wait, let me rephrase that. There seems to be a lot of research and development happening with sex robots.

When they teach them to make sandwiches, women will definitely have a lot of competition. But I fully suspect any normal woman would say “good riddance” to these damaged goods “men.”

How did the world fall so far off the rails? I used to think the most bizarre thing a man could ever do is wear women’s underwear. In 2018, you could probably wear them at a job interview, outside your pants, and still get the job.

ht/ fdr in hell

37 Comments on Ladies, Your $15,000 Competition is Here

  1. Womyn have priced themselves out of the market; $15K is nothing compared to a house, car, alimony, half of ones pension, and child support. Pretty creepy though.

  2. Any man who would purchase one of those THINGS must either be incredibly ugly, seriously damaged goods, or is a stupid pervert… and I say good riddance to that.

  3. I would hate to be a man in today’s dating world trying to date women.
    In the days of years past it was, hey how about going home with me, worked like a charm,could be a gal or a guy saying it to each other. (Normal Nights out)
    Some things will never change, people will want to have sex when ever and as often as they can. Guys or Gals.
    It is human nature, it is how we are wired.
    The left wants to change it. It won’t happen.
    Everyone wants to screw.
    Robots? no way. That is for the lazy or soy boys.
    And it is just wrong.
    God will not be mocked.

  4. This is giving radical feminists exactly what they want, because if the bot is any good men won’t be chasing or cat calling or trying to win over women. Sounds like a win win. Especially if it has an off switch.

  5. People are actually willing to drop fifteen thousand Federal Reserve Dollars? For a “female” domestic companion? Oh, I am so disrupting that market! Of course, my “comfort grrls” will be even moar realistic. By which I mean obese. But, but, that will allow them to accept a standard size keg. And, my droogs, you know the rest.

  6. @Geoff C. the Saltine August 6, 2018 at 12:51 am

    > It is human nature, it is how we are wired.
    > The left wants to change it. It won’t happen.
    > Everyone wants to screw.

    The urge to beat the publicly stupid is perfectly natural. When they hire Men Of Honor™ to kill all who try, and rob all seen, beating them to death is both moral and wise. Society evolves.

  7. Hell, it would be cheaper for them to just start their campaign of normalizing beastility and before anyone laughs think about how not so long ago being queer was not normal and now they can marry each other. Even less time ago transgender was not normal, but now we’re supposed to address them by their chosen identity. They’re working overtime these days on normalizing pedophilia and there are so many letters in what once was LGBT that you need an urban dictionary to figure them all out.

    A sex robot is probably soon to be on the least perverted list.

  8. No friggin way, not a chance in hell, a friggin sex robot will never see the light of day in my house. I may be older and single but I’m not that hard up that I need a fake electronic sex companion. I still prefer things the old fashioned way and I’ll stay celibate rather than screw a fake electronic sex android.

  9. After being married for nearly 36.5 years from 1977-2013 there is no way I’ll ever replace my wife with a sex android. And beside 15 K can be saved or spent on a lot of other things that have more lasting value. Call me old fashioned, a fuddy duddy, a geezer, whatever but that’s just the way it is.

  10. The Left is ALWAYS about power and control.

    Feminists = the Left.

    Wait and see: feminists will decry this as objectifying women by proxy or some other excuse when what they REALLY mean is, these devices will provide more men (than have already bailed out on women) yet another way to avoid enslavement in the trap of feminist-corrupted relationships, including marriages. That will mean women lose control over men than they’d otherwise have, reducing the power of women as a whole, thus reducing the political power of feminism, and the Left.

    Not saying these 3D porn devices are a good thing. They’re not. Just pointing out that the Left will see the threat they represent and eventually say they have to go.

  11. Women plus vibrators and dildos equals empowering, liberating sexuality.

    Men plus sex robots equals perverted, disgusting horndog.

    Like Slepnir said above, when the government intervenes in your religious union to decide that being married for a couple of years entitles someone us to 50% of all your stuff and a healthy chunk of all future stuff, you are writing the end of marriage and normal relationships.

  12. Real women don’t compete for men who would settle for that. If I were single, I’d consider it another advancement for women, by removing the undesirables from the dating pool, sort of like video games did.

  13. No surprises here. When they killed off all the Chinese baby girls in utero, they resorted to making replacements for them. Some of them were cheaper, full sized pillows with just the picture of a manga bimbo.

    For the more discriminating desperate loser with money to spare…

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