Lady Gaga’s Dogwalker Shot In Abduction Of The Singer’s French Bulldogs – IOTW Report

Lady Gaga’s Dogwalker Shot In Abduction Of The Singer’s French Bulldogs


On Wednesday night, a male suspect shot and wounded Lady Gaga’s dog walker, Ryan Fischer, and stole two of her three French bulldogs, Koji and Gustav, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The third dog, Miss Asia, wasn’t taken. The theft happened in Hollywood at approximately 9:40 p.m. PT, police say, and the suspect used a semiautomatic handgun and fled the scene in a white, four-door Nissan Altima. More

There’s a $500,000 reward for the return on the dogs, no word if there is any award for providing information on the arrest of the shooter and accomplice. Here

22 Comments on Lady Gaga’s Dogwalker Shot In Abduction Of The Singer’s French Bulldogs

  1. The FBI is ALL OVER THIS since she sang at biden’s* inauguration*

    They are blaming white supremacy!

    That said, anyone seen that GaGa woman without 3 coats of make-up?
    She looks like a damn bulldog, no offense to them…

  2. Racist? White supremacists?
    Which colors were the stolen dogs? Was one left behind because of color?


    With $500,000 reward does the stupid Tw-T not realize that it is now very very profitable to steal Famous asshole’s dogs.

    And I hope she is going to do financially similar for the guy who got shot.

    I’m not interested enough to read the crap.

  3. She should not have called the cops.
    The thieves could be put at risk during an interaction with the police. They obviously NEEDED the dogs more than her and she can easily replace “the property” according to leftist doctrine. What if they were hungry or jobless?

    She should check her WEALTH privilege!

  4. HOW to FIB Like a Pro
    A short play by:
    Your Favorite Unkle.

    FIB: “I’m sooooooo bored!!! I wonder what I can do today?…. hmmm… I know!! I’ll ask the guys over at the Department of Selective Justice! Maybe they have something for me to do!”.
    (FIB walks to DoSJ)
    FIB(enters building): “HI GUYS!! WHADDAYADOIN?”
    DoSJ: “HI FIB!!! Oh nothin’ much. Watchin’ some porn, manufacturing evidence… you know, the usual”. “We’re glad you stopped by FIB. We have two tough cases we need you to crack. One is Hunter Biden’s laptop full-o-porn and that whole Burisma thing and the other is Lady Gaga’s doggies were puppy-napped.”
    FIB: “I like dogs.”


  5. In 3rd world countries the only way to get ahead is crime. If you aren’t in the ruling class criminal gang, KIDNAPPING IS POPULAR – more money in it than most crimes. Get used to it, ruling class scum.

  6. I just about HATE the bitch…but NO one deserves this…especially the guy shot FOUR times in the chest…

    BTW she stood on a NY sanitation dept garbage truck and gave a famous finger to Trump tower…in 2016…

    Talented but scurvy to me…

  7. why has no news outlet asked her…you posted a $500K reward for the return of YOUR DOGS but not one dollar reward for the arrest of the perps that shot and almost killed the human being that was walking your precious designer possessions?


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