Lady Gaga’s Only Message At Super Bowl Halftime – We Are ONE Nation UNDER GOD – IOTW Report

Lady Gaga’s Only Message At Super Bowl Halftime – We Are ONE Nation UNDER GOD

That oughta rile the left a bit.

Also, she ups the ante on halftime entertainment. Ā The theatrics and choreography are as sophisticated as any seen anywhere.

31 Comments on Lady Gaga’s Only Message At Super Bowl Halftime – We Are ONE Nation UNDER GOD

  1. I’m not a fan, as in I don’t follow the whole pop culture thing on purpose. But I did watch the halftime show, and I must say I was impressed. Even if she was lip-synching, the athleticism
    involved was impressive.

  2. I was truly impressed and relieved at the same time. My Dad called it. “I don’t think she’s going to get political at all.” Such a healthy and refreshing Super Bowl halftime show change of pace. Unlike that Whore Of Babylon and her Black Panther bullšŸ’© last year.

    I was so rooting for the Patriots. I wanted Tom to win for one reason only.
    Win so that he could shove that Lombardi Trophy straight up that liberal Roger Goodell’s ass. That SOB needs to step down.

    Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time. That was the best Super Bowl ever.


  3. I was watching the lofotainment news with my wife last night after the game, The praise for Lady Gaga was there, but muted, alost somber. Everybody talked and tweeted around the subject, but it was obvious they were disappointed that she didn’t go full SJW Bulworth. The mood seemed to be, “That’s okay, Lady Gaga, we still love you.”

  4. Yeah, I broke down and watched the football game.
    The game was good, for my first of the season.

    The halftime show was barely tolerable, I had to fast forward several times.
    Do you really call what I saw choreography?
    A few times I thought it was a mass seizure.
    The costumes were laughable.

    Admittedly, I’m just not cultured enough to appreciate what I saw and heard.

    That wasn’t a Lady……GaGa or otherwise.

  5. I saw her take a header off the top of the stadium and thought that was nice of her to end her performance with a spectacular suicide, but alas she was wearing a wire and the noise went on for another 20 minutes.

  6. My progressive friend (school teacher) and her daughter both caught the SJW parts of the Half Time show and were thrilled.
    GaGa told one of the Hispanic dancers “I hope you can stay” and changed a word or two in a song to be a LGBTOICU8I2 statement.
    They were sooooo happy.

  7. Given the mandatory SJ orders for all “entertainers” to advance the “message”, I was pleasantly surprised, particularly the opening with God Bless America/This Land Is Your Land….
    The show was devoid of militant Hands Up Don’t Shoot or Hijab clad backup performers, no surprise nipple rings or thong squats strategically timed for the cameras.
    Afterwards I hopped online to see the verdict and for the most part it was positive (how sad when we consider entertainment as not being lectured to, chastised or shocked a success), then I started seeing a few opinions “Satanic Overtones” or “spirit cooking”, underlying message in opening songs. I thought gee, did I miss something?
    It dawned on me, how many times I’ve formed an opinion relying on my own eyes/ears, only to go on social media and question my own judgment.
    The internet is a valuable tool for research/info, but venture into the social opinion sites and critical thinking is endangered.

  8. I was pleased that LG pretty much kept to her song and dance, and skipped the SJW.

    Best Super Bowl Ever! What an incredible comeback.

    I really wanted Brady to cap his amazing career with a big win, and boy did he ever do it! He will go down as one of the greatest ever to play the game.

  9. I watched the show and held my breath about her doing something horrific. I was surprised that she did America a favor and showed some class. She knew her Mom and Dad were watching. She did good.

  10. The Super Bowl was the first game I’ve watched all season, and like many of you, I was rooting for the Patriots for the sole reason that they are “Trump’s Team.” I was prepared to be annoyed to the point of distraction during the half-time show, but was pleasantly surprised with the “one nation under God” line. I was even able to overlook that commie “this land is your land, this land is my land” bit on the front end of the show. I guess Lady Gaga is smart enough not to piss off half the country and thus lose half her sales.

  11. I’m not a Lady Gaga fan, but I think she knocked this one out of the park.

    Heckuva show, with no divisive propaganda message as there would have been with some other classless entertainers, whom I won’t mention here (the list is too long).

  12. We’ve been calling it the Freak Show for a number of years. half naked prancing around thrusting pelvis making stupid faces lip syncing while fireworks explode all around to cover up the lack of talent and make it appear as if it’s normal entertainment. Like watching a train wreck is why anyone watches it.

  13. When Lady Gaga first burst upon the scene, I thought she was a gimmick act that would disappear in 18 months. Then I saw that she had real talent, not just in stagecraft, but in musical aptitude and vocal ability. She is the real deal and, as the half time performance showed, a consummate performer. I’ve even gone so far as to call her the “Bowie of the current era”. Maybe the “Prince of the current era” would be more appropriate.

    She absolutely killed. Five costume changes, minor though they may have been, and the constant movement and frenetic activity expected from her performances didn’t cause a single hiccup. Couple that with the fact that it was HER show, requiring no other performers, no mashups, no Bruno Mars or Slash or Kanye West or some such to flesh out a lacking show. I also admit that the final costume was awesome, with it’s pseudo-NFL-shoulder-pads, and the last moment, catching a football as she jumps off staircase that led nowhere.

    I’m not a fan of pop music, but I’m a fan of performers that can slay like she did last night.

  14. Never was a gaga fan, not one now, but the halftime happened. It’s sad that they had to blow that much money to hold everyone’s interest, but it’s not my money so what do I care? Noticed that she must’ve had a nose job done–always thought she had a fine voice, her “hits” made it sad that she must sing such crap. At least she didn’t drag out the corpse of Tony Bennett.

    As long as the Stupid Bowl airs on free tv I can watch it from my couch.

    Feel sorry for the dweebs that spend thousand$ on tickets/travel/etc, when the world has so much more to offer.

  15. I’m 73 years old, and my music tastes so tend to be choosy, but within a wide range; classical and opera, to Eminem (spelling?) and Snoop Dog, etc. She reminds me of how I ignored PINK for so long because of the antics, but holy moly, what a voice. Amazing hardworking performers, who have real talent.

    I think I appreciated Lady Gaga, when Tony Bennet did a duet with her. Mr.Bennet recognizes talent.

  16. I’m REALLY hard to please with musicals. But I thought her show was great. I found myself tapping my toes and wanting to dance. And I’m 66 and normally don’t like pop music.

  17. Have to give lacy Ga ga credit for her show opening with God bless America. Maybe some of these performers are seeing the witting on the wall. We are out here and we are strong.

  18. BFH et al – were y’all watching the same halftime show I was?

    While she didnt go Full Beyonce and bullhorn her preachiness at us, I did see one pussyhat and she also did a song that had lyrics that were clearly about gayism not being a choice but an identity or some shit like that.

    Oh yeah, she’s beginning to get a bit of a muffin-top too. Do some crunches and less munches fercrissake.

  19. IMHO that was the BEST half-time show ever! Great game too! I was sad that the Falcons lost but they did a great job making the Patriots work for the win.

  20. Mansfield, she did her hit list and the song you refer to is Born This Way and yes it’s for the gender benders. In all fairness she didn’t go full militant like the rest of the ar-teests. Now had she broken out in Yiddish show tunes I would’ve been surprised.

  21. As long as she is not spooing politrics?

    Lady gaGa is actually a great performer. I don’t
    mind listening to her music while the wife and
    daughter play it. There is much worse out there.

    Why did they stop her concert to play football?? WTF?

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