Lady Has Argument With Young Guy Using EBT At Walmart – IOTW Report

Lady Has Argument With Young Guy Using EBT At Walmart

Normally I would say that you really don’t know why someone is on welfare at a given point in time, unless it’s some rugrat factory with 7 kids. (Hasn’t everyone gotten the memo that it’s very expensive to have children?)

But as this lady’s argument progresses, it becomes painfully obvious that this is some lefty douchenozzle who votes himself bennies.

He proves it at the end when he says, “why wouldn’t I?”, after the lady accuses him of taking advantage of a corrupt apparatus that the left has set up to bribe slacker assholes in exchange for their vote.

video to follow—>

12 Comments on Lady Has Argument With Young Guy Using EBT At Walmart

  1. The takers outnumber the makers. It is not sustainable. How the takers react when they can no longer count on living off the sweat of their neighbor’s brow will be interesting to witness. Note to self: buy some more ammunition this afternoon.

  2. I liked her comment that she was paying for his stuff, she should at least get to talk. Hard to argue with that, except you are arguing with someone who clearly has little pride and no sense of shame or gratitude.

  3. When I was laid off I got a package, in my exit interview a few days later, the HR lady asked if I had applied for unemployment. I said no, I didn’t need to. She told me I paid for it, I should get it.

    A year or so later and my wife was laid off. 0bama was now preezy and she applied for unemployment, but she also came home with an EBT card. With Zero now ruining the nation, at the time it was very easy for me to justify getting paid back a little of our previous contributions. I too basically said, why wouldn’t I.

    Yeah, we lived it up a little, but it was chump change compared to a day on the course for one guy I know.

  4. Good for her.

    The fuckin parasites should be harangued every time.


    I once saw a picture of a Limey holding a sign during the Depression which read: “Work – Not Dole.”

    Those days are long gone.

    The ticks are killing the dog.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. SCENE: Checkout line in Stop ‘n’ Shop in Yonkers. I am behind a teenaged slut with two rug rats in tow and a third in the oven who is using her WIC vouchers to buy Kellogg’s corn flakes and Haagen-Dasz ice cream. My own cart is sensibly filled with generics,

    ME (helpfully and friiendly-like): You know, your vouchers would go about twice as far if you bought the store brand.

    TEENAGED SLUT (bitchily and aggrievedly): Don’t tell ME how to spend MY money.

    ME (no longer helpful and friendly-like): YOUR money, huh? Unless you’ve worked and paid taxes lately, that would be MY money you’re talking about, Missy.

    I swear, these fucking leeches need to be shamed until they are afraid to leave the house.

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