Lands End Aborts Steinem Feature – IOTW Report

Lands End Aborts Steinem Feature

The upscale clothing retailer, Lands End featured a whole glowing spread on its website of an interview done with Gloria Steinem.


                               The subheading reads “A face that looks like it’s

                               been road hauled over rough pavement.”


The company pulled the ad late Tuesday after a number of complaints and Life News calling attention to the piece.



Apparently, Gloria’s style of feminism isn’t all that fashionable anymore .

14 Comments on Lands End Aborts Steinem Feature

  1. As for me and my house…..we don’t think ole Gloria speaks for real women who can do it all without killing their offspring. Emailed Lands End yesterday and told them I’m done.

  2. That reprobate was instrumental in turning feminism into a death cult who’s sacrament was human sacrifice in the form of a living baby.
    That Lands End, or anyone for that matter, would think such a repulsive creature proper for such an article defies all logic.

  3. Did you ever think about how stalwart liberal women like Steinem could be against abortion when if it wasn’t for the complete desperation of inebriated men and lack of legal abortion way back when….she wouldn’t even be here to vent her mindless drivel.

  4. Steinem was a campus icon in the 1970s when I went to school. Unfortunately, her theories and policies turned out better for men than women in the long run.

    Feminism was liberating – for men. Sure, women could have children if they wanted to, but the pressure was off of males to marry, start a family, and provide for the wife and kids. Women didn’t need men, and as it turns out a lot of men really didn’t need or want the pressures of a stable relationship early in life. Why strap yourself into a marriage and a 30 year mortgage in the suburbs at age 22 when there are sports cars to buy? High end audio equipment is more fun than lawnmowers. The stay at home mom was derided, and it was men who were liberated.

    This was not, and is not good for society. Steinem’s philosophy has contributed to the rise in single parent families, and raising children is way down on the list of important things in life for modern folk. For people like Steinem, abortion is necessary because without males to provide for a family, having children while unmarried results in neglected children and lower economic status. See – you really can have it all!

  5. Another dried-up, has-been hag whose relevancy expired decades ago.

    I will never forgive the early feminists for their derisive attitude towards traditional female strengths and hopes. If you wanted to be a full-time homemaker, it meant you were just some antiquated loser. Well, Gloria, I am still single and childless at 59, and nearly four decades of participation in the full-time labor force has burned my body and soul to an absolute crisp. For all your agitating, most women STILL do not have CAREERS. We have JOBS, which suck, and so do you, you know-it-all buffoon.

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