Lani Guinier, Queen of Critical Race Theory, Loses Struggle with Alzheimer’s – IOTW Report

Lani Guinier, Queen of Critical Race Theory, Loses Struggle with Alzheimer’s


Lani Guinier, a civil rights lawyer and scholar whose nomination by President Bill Clinton to head the Justice Department’s civil rights division was pulled after conservatives criticized her views on correcting racial discrimination, has died. She was 71.

Guinier died Friday, Harvard Law School Dean John F. Manning said in a message to students and faculty. Her cousin, Sherrie Russell-Brown, said in an email that the cause was complications due to Alzheimer’s disease. More

Guinier’s role in CRT propagation admitted Here

Even Harvard Law Review tossed her writings in with the others of the CRT crowd. Here

Guinier was a life-time advocate for race-based admissions for law schools, calling it “Confirmative Action”. Here

26 Comments on Lani Guinier, Queen of Critical Race Theory, Loses Struggle with Alzheimer’s

  1. Great.

    Now she can see if she can sue Jesus to give her a “Black Only” space in Heaven and ship all the White people to hell.

    …not sure she’ll find a fellow traveler judge to help her out there, but I don’t doubt she’ll try…

  2. It seems there’s new information by Dr. Bredesen (interviewed on YouTube by Dr. Gundry) that confirms that Alzheimer’s is totally avoidable. His current book, The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s, is a good read and may represent a new lease on life for many people.

  3. Well, Alzheimer’s disease can be a friend after all. Too bad we didn’t have Socialized Medicine here like in Cuba because then she would have gone to Hell much sooner.

    I know it’s not nice to speak ill of the dead but the people on the Left would round up those of us on the Right and exterminate us in a heart beat.

  4. Just shows ya that socialism/communism is a mental disease. It starts early, isn’t detected soon enough, and creates crap like CRT.
    So as soon as someone spouts crap like CRT, they need to be forcibly seized and thoroughly examined for Alzheimer’s, CJD, senility, and other mental diseases.

  5. Da na na na na, another one bites the dust.

    Keep it coming Lord. I know you are busy, but the old dirty leftists you are sending to hell or purgatory deserve it. There are many more that are waiting in line.

    (And I know you don’t care, but don’t worry about if there is an R or D in front of their name. They all deserve it.)


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