Lanny Davis Goes to Bat for Bill Clinton as Epstein Case Heats Up – IOTW Report

Lanny Davis Goes to Bat for Bill Clinton as Epstein Case Heats Up


Lanny Davis, most recently known for representing former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, is going to bat for former President Bill Clinton. His move comes in the wake of indictments against famed billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who was arrested Saturday on sex trafficking-related charges.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan are expected to formally announce charges against Epstein around 11 a.m. ET. According to reports, he is being indicted on two counts of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking.

However, some speculate that Democrats have been hesitant to grab on to the story due to the connections between Epstein and left-wing fan favorites, like Bill Clinton.

“It’s not all that hard to figure out why Democrats have treaded lightly,” the Washington Examiner’s Jay Caruso tweeted.

“There’s this pretty famous Democrat who flew on the ‘Lolita Express’ 26 times with Epstein,” he added, a direct reference to Clinton’s mysterious trips on Epstein’s private jet which occurred primarily 2002–2005. According to reports, Clinton would sometimes go without Secret Service detail on these alleged “sexcapades.”

Davis quickly jumped to Clinton’s defense.

“Classic fact-free innuendo. Back to McCarthy era. But worse,” he tweeted. more

SNIP: Soooo… How mad is Hillary right now? LOL.

14 Comments on Lanny Davis Goes to Bat for Bill Clinton as Epstein Case Heats Up

  1. Sung to the tune You Might Be a Redneck:
    If you bleach-bit and sledgehammer your records, you might be guilty
    If you fly to offshore rape islands with convicted pedophiles and planeloads of underaged girls, you might be guilty

  2. A lawyer doesn’t speak out on someone’s behalf, defending him from accusations before they are actually made, unless there is a serious reason for doing it.

  3. What do the Clinton’s have on Lanny Davis?

    That or Lanny Davis is more devoted to Bill than Martin Bormann was to his Fuhrer. Martin was the last to give up hope and flee the bunker but he did have that moment of clarity before he died.

    At some point one has to realize this super tanker of toxic excrement that is The Clinton Cartel is going to hit the rocks and who would want to be anywhere near it when this thing spills it’s guts? Which leads back to my first question: what do the Clinton’s have on Lanny Davis?

  4. Minion’s gonna lickspittle.

    What do they have on him? Same as everybody else. DNA evidence.

    People like Epstein give you enough rope to hang yourself with and video you doing it.

    That’s why he would hire the girls he molested to recruit others. Because then they are as guilty as he is.

  5. I’ve been doing a lot of digging re Epstein.

    The first thing that struck me is the similarity between the Epstein “matter” and the Hillary Clinton email “matter”. In both cases, the accomplices skated. In both cases, DOJ/FBI were involved. In both cases, Hillary was running for president (2008, 2016) and presumed to have a lock on the election.

    Of course, in 2008 Epstein got a slap on the wrist while Hillary got off scot-free in 2016. DOJ/FBI emboldened by lack of blow-back from Epstein, I guess.

    Acosta was the low man on the totem pole – he would not have been able to make this decision and offer this deal on his own.

    Lost in the recounting of the story are facts from Shannon Bream’s interview last night with Chaquita Sarnoff who has investigated this for a decade. The Palm Beach County Sheriff did the investigating and got frustrated that Barry Kirscher – Democrat State Atty for Palm Beach Co was burying it. The sheriff (Michael Ritter) called in the feds.

    Kirscher wanted Epstein to plead to a misdemeanor. No jail time, no sex offender registration, no restitution. Kirsher was the one who let Epstein out of jail 14 hours/day 6 days week.

    Re: the quote the media is using from Trump – consider the time and the context. It was from a 2002 puff piece on Epstein by New York Mag. They were extolling Epstein’s brilliance and philanthropy. In the same article Dem Sen Leader George Mitchell said “I would certainly call him a friend and a supporter.” Bill Clinton lauded his friend Epstein as “a committed philanthropist” with “insights and generosity.” At the time Epstein was on the board of the Trilateral Commission with Henry Kissinger, on the Rockefeller Foundation and a major contributor to Harvard. Trump was in every headline in every New York paper and magazine daily.

    Then there’s the question of where Epstein got all his money. No one on Wall Street ever traded with him and no billionaires have ever said he managed their money. Did he make his money from blackmail? Thomas Lifson isn’t the only one asking the question.

  6. gin blossom
    JULY 9, 2019 AT 3:42 PM
    “Lanny have you been a bad boy too?”

    JULY 9, 2019 AT 3:52 PM
    “What do the Clinton’s have on Lanny Davis?”

    …the answer to both of those is, that Democrats above a certain level are REQUIRED to participate in child rape, and evidence recorded by OTHER Democrats before they get to the inner circle. It’s like the MS-13 “Blood in, blood out” or Mafia omerta or Crips initiates having to kill a random guy in front of everybody, its the way they hold each other’s balls.

    …if someone breaks away, the others ALL take them down.

    And they KNOW this.

    …i’m quite sure Epstein had some real nice video equipment in his guest suites and airplanes. And if Lanny don’t put a lid on this prosecution REAL quick like, the REST of us would find out HOW good.

    IF the Democrat media were to publish it.

    Which they WON’T.

    The flaw in the Epstein defense.

    …they WILL attack the President with baseless accusations for a bit, more liberal projection to sow more confusion and doubt, and maybe another House investigation.

    …then, the vehicle trasporting Epstein to court will have, like, an accident.

    Which will be blamed on President Trump.

    There will BE no other consequences for anyone else.

    You’ll see…

  7. Oforpetessake don’tyouknow that Bill Clinton was just looking to get away from Manhatten, sip a drink or two under the palm trees, and work on his tan and next $500,000 speech…

  8. Gee, Lanny is that a banana in your pocket or stolon documents from the National Archives,,,
    Clinton bumboy still gets MSM acknowledgement,
    Lanny, Steny, got to be at least cousins,,,


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