LAPD Position – Gang Members Share Our Core Values, Conservatives Do Not? – IOTW Report

LAPD Position – Gang Members Share Our Core Values, Conservatives Do Not?

This story starts with a Daily Beast ignoramus, the editor-in-chief Noah Shachtman, who doesn’t know how ads on websites work. (Typically, advertisers do not pay websites for ad space. This is handled by a third party. Ads that appear are often tailored to the viewers viewing habits. Not every viewer sees the same ad even though they are on the site at the same time. That’s why after you search for a product online you will see ads for that product.)

Schachtman was taken aback by an LAPD recruitment ad that appeared on Breitbart. How dare this happen? Deplorables are not viable candidates for law enforcement! (Never mind that many police officers read Breitbart.)

Schactman’s complaint was seen by the LAPD (which sort of knows how ads work) and the highly politicized department released the following statement:

“We are aware that a recruitment advertisement has been circulated on a website that creates a negative juxtaposition to our core values,” vowing that they will find ways to make sure that this never happens again.  

Apparently, the LAPD shares the belief that Breitbart readers are part of the Third Reich and “doesn’t represent the city’s values.”

Well, what does?

What if I told you they are recruiting gang members to work on the force?

That’s right. Conservative values are lower on the LAPD’s spectrum of acceptable morality than a gang banger.

Story HERE

Remember when Trump was vilified for suggesting that the judge who was of Mexican heritage, and who was sympathetic to the cause of open borders, wouldn’t be able to give him a fair trial? The left was outraged. “How dare Trump imply that a judge would have bias and not be able to perform his job with blind justice!!??!!!”

Now we learn that a law enforcement agency doesn’t believe this is possible either. A police officer would never be able to carry out their duty professionally and fairly without their politics interfering with their judgement. That’s why conservatives need not apply. They shouldn’t even be exposed to their recruitment ads.

I call for all cases where a police officer arrested someone of a different political stripe to be dropped. And any judge presiding over a case where their politics don’t align with the the defendant’s must recuse themselves from the bench.

My point won’t land with the left, because, as we all know, they are superior beings. The left can function without political bias, it’s the right that cannot, dontcha know.

19 Comments on LAPD Position – Gang Members Share Our Core Values, Conservatives Do Not?

  1. It makes perfect sense for the LAPD to recruit gang members.
    It’ll save time and money on training. They can put on the uniform, strap on a gun, and get right back to work — just for a different boss.

  2. …well, the California National Guard is now tasked with destroying competing pot crops to protect the State’s cartel on cannabis, so why not…

    …lots of strange things happen when the Government is the most corrupt organization in the State, these are but two examples, and also proof that just because a Govenment says a thing or a person is lawful, does NOT make it or him RIGHT, thus did Rome fall…

  3. Anonymous
    OCTOBER 1, 2019 AT 6:45 PM
    “Talk of civil war seems to be in the mainstream news lately, can anyone see another option that will solve our differences peacefully?”

    …probably NOT, they are likely wanting to push us over the edge so they can use UN troops to rule the ruins…those blue helmets show up something BEAUTIFUL in even the cheaper off-the-shelf optics, though, just sayin’…

  4. Our government doesnt target leaders of a country for assassination, they just send in our troops to face their troops to die valiantly on a battle field, sorta like chess. But as to civil wars, a short civil war would be to take out all the liberals in congress and media.

    The end.

  5. And what “core values” would those be?

    Sex trafficking?
    Illegal drugs?
    Public defecation?
    Homelessness out of control?
    Tent cities in public parks?
    Garbage heaps all over the city?
    Diseases like cholera and tuberculosis?
    Failure to uphold the law on the streets?
    Working people moving out of the city?

    And while the (cops on the) beat goes on, Escape From LA.

  6. I wouldn’t get too riled up over this. “City values” are formed and disseminated from the top down; the particular political party of the mayor, down to the civilian police board (if the city is big enough to have one), to the chief of police (9 times out of 10 a political appointment) then down to the officers. Cities like LA and SF have values different from the rest of the nation, theirs involve intersectionality, identity politics, quotas, open borders, a disdain for immigration laws and a fussy interpretation of justice. These are recognized by the individual officers but not championed, big difference.

    That tweet was probably written by a staffer from the mayor’s office who’s only exposure to Breitbart was a hit piece in the LA Times lying about their KKK roots and proclivities for fomenting hate crimes.

  7. LAPD had gone downhill significantly the last 40 years. The primary reason (IMHO) was a former Lt. who’s connections to community organizations (we called ‘em gangs 50 – 60 years ago) resulted is his being “passed over “ for Captn and invited to start a new career.

    He did so! And did it well. He became LAMayor. Because(some said) of his connections to community organizations he never PERSONALLY talked about being an ex cop. His surrogates did frequently. If you read LAT or listened to KNX you knew he had been a LAPD officer.

    This (possibly corrupt) man was LA Mayor for decades. An acolyte of Chief Parker was promoted Police Chief about 5 years after the Cop invited to leave the force became Mayor. His name was Daryl Gates. Chief Gates was a hard nosed “equal opportunity” crime buster. He many times went after the community organizations with connections to Mayor Tom.
    The LATimes said his “Operation Hammer” was as racist as Ike’s “Operation wetback”. The dif was that “Hammer” went after community organizations; “Wetback” after criminal aliens.

    The Mayor’s supporters in these community organizations told him to get Gates ” off our backs!”. The Mayor and the Chief had many fights the next 5 or 6 years. The Mayor eventually won and his community organizations have since thrived! Gates was forced to resign about 26 or 27 years ago. A carpet bagger community organization friendly Police Chief from Philly (and we all should know what a community org friendly sh-t hole Philly is!) to replace gates.
    Every police Chief , including and especially the pro gangbanger carpetbagger from NY,NY (even the LATimes noted his corruption) who went back to NY years ago, has been “community organization friendly”

    The name of the crooked(maybe) excop was Tom Bradley; friend of the Crypts, Bloods, …

    Full disclosure.

    I had many friends in the LAPD from ’60 to ’99. I do not pretend to be unbiased!

  8. Stop getting defensive when they call you a nazi. Go on the offense. Tell them they are commies.
    And then remind them that the commies murdered ten times more people than the nazis. (fact) And tell them how proud they must be of that fact.

  9. @Wambam
    “Why would a moral cop want to work in Sodom?”

    For any number of reasons; The pay is excellent, great experience, many officers cut their teeth in LA then lateral to another agency. Much like the military, some follow in their father’s footsteps and join up. And many might feel that the agency is worth fighting for, worth fighting to clean up and more in need of honest moral cops who sign up to genuinely help people. Some think that if you want to do good, you go where “good” is really needed, I’d say LA qualifies.

  10. “chief of police (9 times out of 10 ALWAYS a political appointment) ”

    County Sheriffs are elected. Chiefs are pol appointed. Your point is correct without exception like you put it.

    Makes a big difference. I really don’t care what Chiefs have to say. They say what their bosses tell them to say and most big city bosses are Dems. Dallas Chiefs are politically correct crap compared to any County Sheriff we’ve had.

  11. LAPD values back in 1990. Plus I remember reading much earlier that they dragged away some rescuers by the scrotum.

    FEB. 10, 1990 12 AM
    More than two dozen anti-abortion protesters sued the Los Angeles Police Department on Friday, claiming officers exerted brutal and “unreasonable” force when they used a martial arts-type device and other pain-inflicting techniques to break up demonstrations last year.

    The suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, alleges that 29 demonstrators who blocked entrances at two family planning clinics suffered a wide range of injuries when police moved in, including broken arms and legs, strained necks and hands and damaged nerves.

    The most serious injuries, the suit alleges, came from use of the so-called nunchaku, a martial arts device consisting of two sticks connected by a rope. Police used a modified nunchaku- like instrument made of plastic to remove protesters at a June 10 demonstration.

    “Never before–or since–has the LAPD used such a violent manner to remove nonviolent, peaceful demonstrators,” said Susan Carpenter McMillan, a spokeswoman for the Right-to-Life League of Southern California, one of the organizations sponsoring the lawsuit.

    Police officials have repeatedly defended the amount of force used to break up the protests, which resulted in the largest mass arrests in recent Los Angeles history.

    The suit stems from two demonstrations organized by Operation Rescue, a militant anti-abortion group. More than 1,000 protesters were arrested when they blockaded two Los Angeles clinics on March 25 and June 10 in an effort to prevent women from seeking abortions.

    One of the plaintiffs, Daniel Bruno, 41, of Orange, said police grabbed and twisted his wrists until finally breaking his right arm, even though he told the officers he would cooperate.

    “I was doing what they wanted as quickly as I could,” said Bruno, an accountant. The police acted “completely out of scale with what was needed to get the job done.”

    Bruno, like many of the other Operation Rescue members, is awaiting trial on trespassing charges.

    The suit accuses Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl F. Gates and five officers of assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence. It seeks an order prohibiting police from using the “pain-compliance” holds or the nunchaku on people protesting against abortion. The complaint also asks for unspecified monetary damages, plus treble medical expenses and lost earnings.

    Cmdr. William Booth, spokesman for the LAPD and also named as a defendant in the suit, said authorities used the amount of force necessary to “overcome resistance” by the demonstrators, many of whom allowed their bodies to go limp or locked arms to resist arrest.

    “The majority were resisting and confronted police with a situation where force had to be used,” Booth said. “It was the most humane kind of force with the least potential for serious injury.”

    The city of Los Angeles is also named as a defendant. A spokesman for the city attorney’s office declined comment until officials had time to review the complaint.

    The suit describes what it calls “typical” use of pain-compliance methods: one or more police officers would pull a demonstrator’s arms backward and upward to force the person’s head and upper torso toward the ground. At the same time, the suit says, one or more other police officers would place their fingers in the demonstrator’s nostrils and pull upward and in the opposite direction.

    As for use of the nunchaku- like tool, the suit says, it inflicts “an agony so severe” that “victims . . . often faint, black out, and are often rendered unable to communicate to the officers, orally or otherwise.”

    Lawyers for the demonstrators said their clients’ cause–fighting abortion–is not at issue in the case but, instead, the right of any American to protest without fear of being hurt by police.

    “We are not here to vindicate a particular issue,” said attorney Samuel B. Casey. “We ask all civil rights advocates, whatever their cause, to join us.”

    But both Casey and McMillan claimed that the anti-abortion movement was being singled out for “discrimination” by police, saying that officers’ tactics with Operation Rescue protesters were more heavy-handed than with other activists. They asserted that the nunchaku has not been used on any other group.

    But Booth said it was the size of the demonstrations and the number of people who ignored police orders to disperse that made police use more force with Operation Rescue demonstrators than with other groups.

    “I don’t know ever a time when more than 500 arrests (in a single demonstration) had to be made,” Booth said. “It presented us with . . . a unique workload and burden.”

    Anti-abortion demonstrators have increasingly leveled charges of police brutality in Southern California and other cities across the country where they have staged sit-ins at women’s clinics.

    Late last year, 33 anti-abortion demonstrators filed a $1.98-million claim against Sacramento officials for damages allegedly suffered when police used Mace to break up a protest.

    And in Los Angeles, six activists who claimed they had been hurt by police sought–but were denied–a federal injunction that would have barred use of “pain-compliance” techniques.“


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