LAPD Union Boss Warns People to Stay Away from Los Angeles: It’s Like ‘The Purge,’ But 365 Times Worse – IOTW Report

LAPD Union Boss Warns People to Stay Away from Los Angeles: It’s Like ‘The Purge,’ But 365 Times Worse


“The Purge” movies may be a product of Hollywood, but the head of Los Angeles’ police union says the movie is becoming reality in his city.

If you’ve never seen the series of horror movies, the premise is this: In order to provide a cathartic pathway through which criminal urges can be relieved, all lawbreaking is allowable for one night a year. This is a dubious premise even for a fictional franchise, but it definitely doesn’t work when you let it happen 365 days a year.

California’s crime problem — and the permissive laws that precipitated it — is no secret to anyone who looks closely enough, but the media generally won’t. (We’re not going to turn a blind eye to progressivism’s failures here at The Western Journal. You can help us shine a light on the failed state of California — and the lessons the rest of the country needs to learn from it — by subscribing.)

In an interview with Fox 11 News on Monday, Jamie McBride — head of the LA Police Protective League, which represents LAPD officers — said crime was enough of a problem in the city he would urge people to stay away.

“It is so violent, we are telling people don’t visit because we don’t think we can keep you safe right now,” McBride said in the Monday interview.


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