Lara Logan: Texas Republican Politicians Working Against Border Security – IOTW Report

Lara Logan: Texas Republican Politicians Working Against Border Security

CTH: Resident of Texas, Lara Logan, appears on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast to discuss the illegal alien invasion that is happening right now in the lone star state.  {Direct Rumble Link}  Logan notes that Texas republican politicians are actively working to keep the border open with migration flows controlled but not stopped.  As CTH has long documented, illegal mass immigration is a policy that both wings of the UniParty support.

Logan reports that Texas republicans, the Bush wing of the professional republican apparatus that controls Texas politics, recently blocked a state border security effort in order to keep the immigration flow in place.   This is a remarkable interview with details to support the baseline as discussed.  MORE

14 Comments on Lara Logan: Texas Republican Politicians Working Against Border Security

  1. DeSantis: “I’m willing to send my Florida folks down to the southern border to build the wall. Just let us know, Joe! We’ll go down and get it done.”

  2. God is pissed.
    When He draws His mighty sword from its sheath – look dafuq out!

    There will be no place to hide.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This once beloved country is eating itself from the inside out 😩

    This is an absolute invasion and nobody seems to care unless you’re MAGA 🇺🇸

    Lord please come soon 😘 we need you 😢

  4. I read a very good article regarding the “invasion” being a planned expansion of the cartels. I was surprised to see 4-major cities in Alabama, my home, having cartel connected organizations. Our country is not ready for the brutality and violence that will follow very soon. The mall shooting could very well be related as a message or example for us all. I work with LE and things are going to get much worse. But, I guess someone will get their 10%.

  5. So if someone/anyone were to say/post
    ” Grab your legal firearms and lets all hesd to Texas to end this”, would anyone go?
    I bet there would be a historic event would occur!
    Just sayin’…..

  6. @ Pointy End Out

    Our problems start in Washington DC. If we clear out that traitorous nest of snakes we can deal with the border, China, and let nuisances like Zelensky take care of themselves.


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