Large German Insurer Comes Clean on COVID Vaccination Injuries – IOTW Report

Large German Insurer Comes Clean on COVID Vaccination Injuries

Freedom of Speech

By the end of 2021, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) had recorded around 245,000 vaccination side effects. But the actual number of these side effects is likely to be many times higher. At least that is what the results of an analysis by the health insurance company BBK ProVita suggest, as reported by Die Welt. One had become “clairaudient”, when ever more occurring diagnoses suggested a vaccination side effect. Therefore, the databases of all BBK health insurance companies were searched. The data collection paints a completely different picture than the figures from the Ministry of Health. Mehr Hier

8 Comments on Large German Insurer Comes Clean on COVID Vaccination Injuries

  1. The collusion between government and the pharmaceuticals on both censoring of information people need to make an informed decision as well as mandating that people take it is what is going to be what the Trail Lawyers use to nullify the protections from liability they think they enjoy. Had they stayed in their own lane and simply focussed on development of the pseudo-vaccines they would be on fairly solid ground, but given the corruption and politicization of the judiciary even that was not all that tenable. We are living in a world in which the law is not decided based on the facts, it is based on political power. The Trial Lawyers are going to win out in the long run and I can clearly recognize the weak point in the wall of protection that the Big Pharma is thinking they can withstand the siege that is coming behind. It is a hole big enough to drive a big honking truck through and their greed and arrogance is what created it.

    I predict that “If you believe you or a loved one has been harmed… … our experienced team of lawyers are standing by. Call now.

  2. I had the same family physician for close to 35 years. (He is just a few years younger than me). He’s a big advocate of the corvid vaccines and constantly badgers me to get vaccinated. He insists that it is safe and ignores what I report to have read in the contrary. He’s even gone so far as to claim my view is influenced by conservative conspiracy theories. So, I have been collecting reports like this and printing them out. I plan on handing them to him in a binder the next time I am scheduled for a health check. Then I’m going to shake his had, say good bye and tell him he’s fired as my family practitioner. I found a new doctor who is clear headed about the vaccines who also prescribes Ivermectin if needed.

  3. @JDHasty February 24, 2022 at 1:47 pm

    > is what is going to be what the Trail Lawyers use to nullify the protections from liability they think they enjoy

    Anyone willing to let loyal Party members, in good standing, avoid Shakespearean results, from this, for a fake debt “money” “payday”, deserves watching the slow, painful, deaths of their families.

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