Large Majority Oppose Biden’s Plan To Empower Pro-China Health Org – IOTW Report

Large Majority Oppose Biden’s Plan To Empower Pro-China Health Org

WFB: An overwhelming majority of American voters oppose the Biden administration’s proposal to expand the World Health Organization’s authority over health care decisions in the United States, according to new polling data obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon.

More than 60 percent of likely voters said they are strongly opposed to the administration’s WHO proposal, which could give the international health organization authority over the U.S. president and federal government in declaring health emergencies, according to the poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group.

Republicans were united in opposition to President Joe Biden’s proposal, with nearly 88 percent opposed and just under 10 percent in favor. Democrats were more split on the issue, with almost 38 percent opposed and almost 49 percent in favor. Unaffiliated voters in the survey were more aligned with Republicans, with 76 percent opposed and just 15 percent in favor.

The Biden administration’s proposed amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations would change the organization’s methods of surveilling and determining a public health emergency. Among other things, the amendments would allow WHO’s director-general to decide what constitutes a crisis without input from member countries. The decision comes as the WHO fell out of favor with many countries during the coronavirus pandemic for its subservient attitude toward China, where the global pandemic originated. more

5 Comments on Large Majority Oppose Biden’s Plan To Empower Pro-China Health Org

  1. You didn’t actually get a vote in who we’re currently pretending the president is,

    What makes you think you get a vote in this phase of the same globalist takeover?

    Your “large majority” matters to them not at all.

    …unless it becomes an angry one that’s willing to do what needs to be done as well.

    …and frankly, I don’t think we’re there yet.

    And it keeps looking like we never WILL be.

  2. My, won’t those bright baby blue berets and helmets make wonderful targets!

  3. The UN and its agencies are just sinister.

    No country with any pride would give up a smidgen of sovereignty to an organization run by, and abets, criminals and tyrants.

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