Largest Civil Verdict Won by Michael Avenatti Tossed out by Court of Appeals – IOTW Report

Largest Civil Verdict Won by Michael Avenatti Tossed out by Court of Appeals

RedState: Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion reversing a jury verdict and ordering dismissal of a case that was the biggest of Michael Avenatti’s career in his prior profession as an attorney in Southern California.

The case was a class-action lawsuit brought by Avenatti on behalf of Plaintiff Bahamas Surgery Center and against defendant multinational health care company Kimberly-Clark Corp. (KCC).

The allegations of the case were that KCC had sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of surgical gowns through co-defendant distributor Halyard Co, which were labeled as being compliant with a certain industry-recognized standard for being a liquid bio-hazard barrier, when those gowns did not, in fact, meet the industry-standard as represented.

As described in reporting at the time, the Los Angeles federal court jury that heard the case — only six jurors in a federal civil case — was largely younger adults in their 20s, and Avenatti tailored his presentation, including his manner of speaking, to the audience. read more

10 Comments on Largest Civil Verdict Won by Michael Avenatti Tossed out by Court of Appeals

  1. the only thing I thought was weird in the story was ” … jury that heard the case … was largely younger adults in their 20s, and Avenatti tailored his presentation, including his manner of speaking, to the audience.”

    shouldn’t every plaintiff’s lawyer do that?
    … although I thought it hilarious that this worm ‘effed up the case so badly by not known simple procedure, then not correcting it when he had the chance … what a putz!


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