Larry Hogan’s former chief of staff dead after FBI-involved shooting – IOTW Report

Larry Hogan’s former chief of staff dead after FBI-involved shooting

WaEx: Roy McGrath, former Maryland GOP Gov. Larry Hogan’s onetime chief of staff, died after a shooting involving the FBI on Monday evening in Tennessee.

McGrath’s lawyer, Joseph Murtha, said the FBI confirmed to him that McGrath had died. Murtha said McGrath never wavered on his innocence.

McGrath was taken to the hospital after being hurt in the shooting at the 10700 block of Kingston Pike at Lovell Road in Knoxville. The incident happened around 6:30 p.m. and is under review, according to the FBI.

“The FBI is reviewing an agent-involved shooting which occurred at approximately 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 3, 2023,” the bureau wrote in a statement.

“During the arrest the subject, Roy McGrath, sustained injury and was transported to the hospital,” it added. MORE

See: Roy McGrath dead in Tennessee after 3-week manhunt.

13 Comments on Larry Hogan’s former chief of staff dead after FBI-involved shooting

  1. “Running and hiding isn’t exactly the M.O. of an innocent person”

    It is in the present state of the treasonous FBI (our GESTAPO) who murder the innocent, provoke false-flag narratives, incite insurrections, inspire racial animosities, and do general black-bag work for their Traitor masters.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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