Larry King is a Bogeyman!! – IOTW Report

Larry King is a Bogeyman!!

Chris Cuomhole told Rick Santorum that “no one” wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and that anyone that thinks so is paranoid and are scared of bogeymen.

Of course, Cuomhole is just practicing libtard taqiyya. His father did it, his brother does it. It’s in his DNA.


Of course, nobody gives a shiite what Larry King says. But it shows that Cuomhole is a liar, because Larry King is “someone.” He’s someone that, ostensibly, Cuomhole should respect.

Cuomhole blew off the Stevens NY Times OP ED, saying he wasn’t calling for a repeal, he was simply talking “in context of a conversation about the fastest route to legal change.”

???????? What the hell kind of obfuscating bull$hit is that? That’s the kind of stuff his father pulled.

ht/ any mouse

7 Comments on Larry King is a Bogeyman!!

  1. STOP!!! don’t play their game … the moment you enter into their argument that they don’t ‘really’ want to abolish the Second Amendment, just make it ‘reasonable’ you have lost. we all know they truly want to repeal the right to keep & bear arms … of that, there is no doubt … so there is no argument.
    all this ‘abolish/repeal’ the Second is nothing more than moving the goal posts, to move the argument a bit closer to their totalitarian position … get in their faces & tell them they can do no such thing as long as the US is ruled by law … deny them the opportunity to argue their point ….. don’t play their game

  2. Back during their first assault weapons ban I saw a redneck arguing with a pencil neck. The pencil neck said one day there would be more of them than you and they would amend the 2nd amendment. The redneck told him you little scrawny bastards can amend any damn thing you want, but I will take great satisfaction showing you that you ain’t man enough to take away my God given rights. He kind of had the pencil neck around the neck and had picked him up so they were on eye level when he said it. The second he let his feet touch the ground he ran away as quick as possible, I always figured it was to go change his pants.
    Too bad these days he would be charged with assault, because there are several of them now who need a redneck lesson.

  3. “he was simply talking “in context of a conversation about the fastest route to legal change.””

    Wouldn’t that be, OBEYING the Constitution? They HAVEN’T tried THAT yet – and it WOULD be a, “LEGAL change”… for THEM… 😳

  4. If you think that their little screw ups by possibly saying what they really believe or want…
    Wait till you see the next


    for Holy Week & and the CatLickers…

    Details at ten… (maybe)

    I hope I hope

    Come on Fur…

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