Larry Nassar, the Pedo Sports Doctor, Got Shanked in Prison – IOTW Report

Larry Nassar, the Pedo Sports Doctor, Got Shanked in Prison

UK Daily Mail

Former USA gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar has been stabbed multiple times during an assault in federal prison, according to AP. 

Nassar, 59, was attacked on Sunday night at the United States Penitentiary Coleman in Florida by another inmate. 

The extent of his injuries is currently unknown, with sources confirming that he was stabbed in the back and chest but is in a stable condition. More

22 Comments on Larry Nassar, the Pedo Sports Doctor, Got Shanked in Prison

  1. I wasn’t aware that prisoners were allowed to carry knives (or did the guards stab him?).
    Knock me ober widda feddah!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. ^^^Wish I could say the same about the guards:

    He is lucky to be alive and the only reason he is alive, in my opinion, is because of the staff members who were there.’

  3. Why are prisoners allowed to carry knives but it’s illegal to carry a concealed knife over 4″ long in Missouri?

    I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem right …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “…in stable condition.”

    Flat on his back at the bottom of a six-foot hole is a stable position.

    – Serving suggestion, actual mileage may vary…

  5. How many of Nasser’s enablers went to prison? Why has Nasser survived this long in prison? Did any of the girls he messed with allow him to see them after the first time he messed with them? Enquiring minds want to know.

  6. Aren’t you guys supposed to be killers? People die pretty easy if you poke ’em in the right place!

    C’mon prisoners, do BETTER!

  7. Where is the story about the FBI not investigating this case and stopping him when they knew about it?

    If a law enforcement authority has credible information of child sexual abuse, shouldn’t they be held as complicit if they sit on their hands and let the accused continue? And why aren’t the schools being sued by the victims?


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