Las Vegas authorities were alerted to possible ‘medical issue’ involving Biden, began closing roads – IOTW Report

Las Vegas authorities were alerted to possible ‘medical issue’ involving Biden, began closing roads


Members of Joe Biden’s security detail and the staff at a nearby hospital were all put on high alert after the president apparently suffered some kind of health scare during a recent visit to Las Vegas.

Last Wednesday, Biden’s team had to cut his trip to Sin City short after the president began feeling under the weather. Though COVID was the ultimate diagnosis, many in Las Vegas were under the impression that Biden had experienced a much more serious medical condition and began to prepare accordingly.

Citing more than six officers assigned to Biden’s security detail that day, Jordan Schachtel of the Dossier reported that dispatchers made a call over the radio requesting a “surge” of assistance because Biden was having what Schachtel called an “unspecified medical emergency.” Officers then began closing down roads and securing the area so that Biden could quickly be transported to University Medical Center located on W. Charleston Blvd. just west of the Las Vegas Strip. more

21 Comments on Las Vegas authorities were alerted to possible ‘medical issue’ involving Biden, began closing roads

  1. Pretty sure they’re currently training a Biden AI stand-in, regardless of Biden’s health or lack thereof. If they let word salad take over her approvsl rating will tank even lower.

    Plus, there’s not really much data required to train a Biden AI… glitches and all

  2. I figure his brain took a hike. He then aspirated his own vomit and couldn’t breath with bronchial tubes coated with stomach acid. So they simultaneously sedated and intubated him and injected him with all kinds drugs as his blood pressure tanked and his color turned an ischemic blue. He stabilized enough to abandon the local hospital gambit and instead, rush him directly to Air Force One for a Mach .98 flight to D.C.

  3. General Malaise, that is a quite plausible scenario. It could also explain why the media shills are describing his voice as “gravelly and rough”. Stomach acid and intubation can cause that.

    SNS, what is your take?

  4. Thirdtwin
    WEDNESDAY, 24 JULY 2024, 15:41 AT 3:41 PM

    Pedo Joe quite likely suffered a transient ischemic attack (TIA) which differentiates from a stroke in presentation only in that it goes away on its own as the “transient” part would suggest. This is still an emergency because it suggests a clot is wandering around and may find something else to clog next, but the fact it temporarily relieves buys time from brain death as the area is reperfused.

    Its actually kind of facinating to see your patient come fully back from the whole droopy faced, incoherent, half paralyzed thing to full function and awareness, sometimes knowing what happened, sometimes not, but always scared.

    As the should be. Consider it a stroke warning shot.

    General Malaise’s scenerio is quite plausible, especially given the bumbling Secret Service and the unknowns of exactly what was affected and how long. I dont know what modern protocols are what with pulse oxymeters and clotbusters and all, but you didnt necessarily shove a tube down everyones throat because they dont necessarily need it. But you do have to guard and they may vomit indeed, and if a tube is indicated they may not be down enough that you wont induce vomiting trying to pass it, and it can be very challenging to pass a tube in a semiconcious and possibly combative patient without some form of anestetic, cause that gag reflex may make things spicy real quick.

    All of this would square with a scratchy throat too, especially if a tube was passed hastily and with little skill, and prehospital settings arent condusive to extras like lubrication. I assume a doctor travels with them but all doctors arent necessarily comfortable with field care and the Biden folks in general dont seem that competent anyway,

    So he probably did have a TIA and probably did require airway management at some point, it all fits.

    But Pedo doesnt have a ton of working brain to begin with, so as someone else said, if more of it were to die how would you tell…

  5. SNS, to pick your brain for a minute—heh heh—how much do Biden’s previous two brain aneurysms factor into your scenario?

    And my grandmother had several surgeries in the 1980’s for intestinal polyps. The last surgery took so long that my dad thinks it fried her brain, and she never mentally recovered, slipped into dementia soon after. I know Biden never was the sharpest tool in the shed, but maybe he lost a couple of cogs during those brain surgeries, and it helped to make him what he is today.

  6. Thirdtwin
    WEDNESDAY, 24 JULY 2024, 19:13 AT 7:13 PM

    …I am far from a brain surgeon, but stroke patients did tend to become frequent flyers (although maybe blood thinners nowadays change that), and this article and others seem to suggest that my oberservation wasnt unique…

    ‘”We’ve found that ‘silent’ covert strokes are actually more common than overt strokes in people aged 65 or older who have surgery,” said Dr. PJ Devereaux, co-principal investigator of the NeuroVISION study.’

    …as for postsurgical recovery, in theory the anesthesiologist is constantly monitoring oxygenation as he contols 100% the breathing of the patient, but clots can be an issue after any surgery, there may be issues with the specific anestetic used, and if the patient’s like me they may try to go wandering off half-unconcious and rubber legged if not watched during recovery (Ive done that EVERY TIME Ive had a general) and the fall does damage, so different things can happen as any general anesthetic or any surgery carries risk to the brain, heart, and pretty much everything else.

    I still believe Pedo Joe’s brain is eaten by lomg-term untreated syphilis, it just fits his symptoms, his perversions, his arrogance, and the timeline of his progression into the Land of the Lost.

    But theyre busy making a saint out of him right now, so its unlikely we’ll ever know…


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