Las Vegas Police Release Completely Useless Body Cam Footage of Stephen Paddock’s Room – IOTW Report

Las Vegas Police Release Completely Useless Body Cam Footage of Stephen Paddock’s Room

We waited this long for THIS?

It’s a lot of great footage of the side of a cop’s face.



14 Comments on Las Vegas Police Release Completely Useless Body Cam Footage of Stephen Paddock’s Room

  1. It’s a shame that the first officer to enter the suite apparently did not activate
    his body camera. Yep – it sure is a real shame. He musta forgot in all the confusion.


  2. “Did we fire that shot?” uttered by one LVMPD Cop in the room with almost no reaction from anybody else.

    Of all of the many things suspect on the camera footage that immediately make you think its a staged enactment, thats the most damning of all. It went over the heads of many people, but it seals the case that its fake. A shot being fired, either by the bad guy or by a Cop in self defense, would mean the threat is still alive and their lives are in danger.

    Just believe me when I say that in a situation like that where a shot was fired, regardless of by whom, it would have resulted in a very visible, loud, shouting, scrambling for cover, etc… reaction among the many people in the room, spread around in various areas of the 2 suites. Nobody even reacted to the question let alone the actual shot. Not believeable.

  3. This is one of those MK Ultra jobs put on by the Global Cabal to get their grubby hands on the American’s guns.
    You cannot have an overarching global hegemony when there is one country where the Citizens will not submit to the State.

  4. Just the largest mass shooting in our nations history, and we’re being blatantly deceived. Remember the cop giving the briefings at the podium, with his FBI (or deep-state cabal) MINDER, staring daggers at him at every syllable, to make sure he provides only the Narrative, not the facts.

    No question, that was a Bogus Banner event, and the official Narrative exists only to advance an agenda.

  5. what good are body cams if they are not turned on ?

    a free citizenry cannot allow it’s politicians to keep secrets from them.

    until we end the government secrecy surrounding almost everything they do today we are only lying to ourselves about being free.


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