Last Military Flight Out Of Kabul Is Wheels Up – IOTW Report

Last Military Flight Out Of Kabul Is Wheels Up


Centcom Commander Kenneth McKenzie: “I’m here to announce the completion of our withdrawal in Afghanistan and the end of the military mission to evacuate American citizens, third country nationals and vulnerable Afghans.”

The last military plane out of Afghanistan departed at 3:29 p.m. on the East Coast — that’s 11:59 p.m. in Kabul. We are officially out of Afghanistan.  According to General McKenzie “the vast majority of U.S. citizens who wanted to leave, were evacuated.”  However, he later continued “there’s a lot of heartbreak. We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out.” More

30 Comments on Last Military Flight Out Of Kabul Is Wheels Up

  1. Simply stunning…. leaving behind Americans… Creating what could possibly be the worst hostage crisis the world has known…. still sitting behind our desk.

  2. Last year we learned BLM terrorists could destroy the country from within with impunity.
    This year we taught the world that they could destroy us from the outside.
    Inside and outside forces will be joined now to finish the job.
    Such a sad day.

  3. I remember back in around 1971 or 1972 taking a tour of the facility in St. Louis where we were in the transition from F4 to F15 production. They were producing F4 planes for West Germany, Japan, and even Iran (Shah was in power and an ally at the time).
    I wonder what ever happened to those Iranian F4 planes.

  4. Just as soon as a suck up hate America leftist asshole proves his bona fides he is given a cracker Jax box that contains four stars and orders that enable him to run a FUBAR military operation!

  5. Absolutely pathetic and unforgivable.

    Joe Biden isn’t a duly elected President but his team stole the election. Now this enemy of the state is imposing his will on us.

    I will reserve my thoughts. Good old democrats. Seizing defeat from the jaws of victory since Tet.
    Fargin iceholes.

  6. Anonymous, we were also sending brand new F-14 Tomcats to the Iranians when the Shah was still in power in the mid 70’s and the technicians to service them until jimma carta declared the Shah to be a human rights violator. And the rest is history, thanks to another chicken shit President.

  7. This time last year the message to terrorist was “Fuck around and find out”. Biden’s response this past month is “Please Mr. Taliban take pallets of cash and millions in technology, weapons and ammo”.

  8. If the Communist Chinese installed a puppet; a Manchurian candidate, into the presidency of the United States of America, what would that individual do that would differ in one degree from what Joseph R. Biden is doing?

  9. I could have sworn that just last week, Press Secretary Chuckie assured us that all Americans that want to leave will be gotten out. Did she know she was lying then, or will she resign now?

  10. From Breitbart: “I believe our State Department is going to work very hard to allow any American citizens that are left — and we think the citizens that were not brought out number in the low — very low hundreds,” he (Central Command Commander Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie) said.

    I don’t give shit one if it’s in the low single digits. YOU ABANDONED AMERICANS!! Oh my God.


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