Last Thursday’s Testimony Has Caused Many To Lose Faith in Our Institutions – IOTW Report

Last Thursday’s Testimony Has Caused Many To Lose Faith in Our Institutions

Here’s a sample reaction to Judge Kavanaugh’s essay that he penned for the Wall Street Journal-

Kurt McFarlane-
It’s not even the allegations at this point, it’s the fact that no one will view him as being truly independent. Don’t get me wrong, the allegations are horrible and the lies and obfiscation are also bad, but what is truly damaging to the nation in the long term is losing faith in our judges, especially SCOTUS, as being truly impartial. That corrodes our already fragile sense of national unity. 

So this guy is writing about losing faith in our judicial system? That’s funny because it wasn’t Kavanaugh’s testimony that I was talking about. I was talking about losing faith in our educational institutions.

Stanford is employing a professor that just made horrible accusations against a federal judge, and the FBI cannot find anyone that can corroborate or legitimize these accusations.

So this bint is just going to continue on in life as if this didn’t happen?

I think if people lose faith in our educational institutions, like I have, these universities would be wise to try and do something about it.


13 Comments on Last Thursday’s Testimony Has Caused Many To Lose Faith in Our Institutions

  1. Did anyone else see that filthy SOB, retired Justice John Paul Stevens on television tonight. What a disgrace he is. I don’t have a television, but was at my mother’s home for a half hour. The ABC news was absolutely over the top one sided horseshit.

    Actually, let me revise that: What a worthless piece of shit he is

  2. I’ve seen this before…

    “I’ve come to the realization that I’ve spent a third of my adult waking life asking myself ‘What the fuck is wrong with people?’


  3. There’s absolutely nothing accidental about this. That faith shift is EXACATLY what the alinskyites have in mind and have been working at for decades. It’s very difficult for me to imagine that any of that group are innocent of working to destroy this Nation.

  4. They seem to only lose faith in secular institutions when they aren’t the ones in control of them.

    “It’s not even about the allegations anymore.” How convenient after they were all found to be fraudulent.

    As a jugeared faggot once said, “Elections have consequences. I won. You lost.”

    I hope Kavanaugh breaks his gavel off in their asses for the next 40 years.

  5. @Tammi ~ us old fart have been complaining about the yout’s since Socrates. just saw a poll that said 30% of Millennials identify as Socialists … that’s what yout’s do, they follow the easy way out (as perceived; free shit, yeah!) … when they receive their first paycheck they are introduced to the reality of Socialism & slowly, over time, either relegate their lives to being criminals or ‘victims of society’ … or, if they have a semblance of logic & thought, become us … remember, youngin’s usually reject the way of their parents … until the become their parents

  6. Think of our parents in the 60’s they had a bunch of kids who were protesting a war, defeating America lead by a bunch of communist professors. they are the generation that voted DJT into office.

    Now, thankfully I have children in the military and not in the college system, but they STILL have communist professors and are actively working to destroy this country.

    We have a brief GOD sent reprieve from the attack, but locomotive breath never quits and we cannot either

  7. They put me in chains, and whip me each morning. I am bound before the cart, that carries them to the edge of the flat Earth. To my execution, as prescribed by their God. For the heresy of unbelief.

    As we progress together, they might begin to question the delay. They do not question the wisdom of their God, nor His church. They still sing of their faith, and the whip. I feel for them.

  8. “The education which dominates our society is the one which preaches its destruction. Like the education of the eighteenth century, the present-day education carries the revolution beneath its heart. When it gives birth, the child it has nourished with its blood will kill its own mother.”
    (Rudolf Sohm)

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Speaking of Ian, I saw him under a big tent on the banks of the Cuyahoga River in 2005. About 2/3 through the show, a Cleveland Indians game ended up above the venue, and fireworks ensued. In between songs, Anderson crouched a bit to see the flashes and booms, shook his head, and spoke into his microphone, “Thirty five years in the business, and it’s come to this.”


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